※ 引述《RiceBear0527 (RiceBear0527)》之銘言:
: 習慣英文的介面
: 現在變成中文很不習慣
: 有什麼辦法在不改手機語言的狀況下
: 把Pokemon Go改成英文?
: 目前似乎無解?!
App settings (xposed framework module)
You'll need to install BOTH suhide / rootswitch to enable it.
There's no need to install magisk AT ALL.
A little troublesome to disable root via rootswitch everytime,
but at least it works.
If it somehow failed, remember to UNINSTALL and REINSTALL pokemongo.
Often happened after update, probably a cache issue.
I'm a legit user by the way.
FUCK niantic that they doesn't even implement a simple language switch option.
EDIT1: ios可能要去試試看app language switcher
不過我跟apple不太熟,有問題請自行去看先人歷程 :p