yolosiku (itadakimasu)
2017-05-16 21:13:39冒險周即將來臨! 五月18日開始, 遇到更多岩石-系的神奇寶貝, 取得更多物品從pok廥to
ps, 還有更多! Http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/adventureweek2017
Adventures Await!
Pokemon GO
Back in December, we collectively walked past the equivalent distance of Earth
to Pluto and now, we’re on a journey past the edge of the solar system! As o
f May 11, the Pok幦on GO community has traveled more than 15.8 billion kilomet
ers, and more adventures still await…
Pokemon GO was developed for people to easily experience classic Pokemon gamep
lay on their mobile device and catch Pokemon in the real world. As a result, e
very day, people around the globe go outside, explore the world around them, m
ake some new memories, and get some exercise along the way. We’d love to hono
r the memories created so far, and our collective journey yet to come, with th
e Pokemon GO Adventure Week celebration from 1:00 P.M. PDT on May 18 to 1:00 P
.M. PDT on May 25, 2017.
To help you stock up for your upcoming adventure, more items will be awarded f
rom every Poketop you visit, and PokeBalls will be 50% off in the in-game sh
op. Your Buddy Pok幦on is also in the adventuring spirit and will find Candies
four times as fast for the duration of the celebration. Whether you’re explo
ring your neighborhood or an exotic new location, make sure to watch for Rock-
type Pokemon such as Omanyte, Kabuto, and their Evolutions. Keep an eye out—m
aybe you’ll even spot Aerodactyl!
Last but not least, you'll notice an all-new avatar item has been added to you
r wardrobe—the Explorer’s Hat! Once Adventure Week begins, grab your new hat
and head out on your journey.
We’re excited to see where Pok幦on GO takes you this week. Document your jour
ney with the Pokemon GO AR camera, post your photos on social media using #Pok
emonGO, and we’ll share some of our favorites on the new Pokemon GO Instagram
channel! As you embark on your adventures, remember to always be alert and aw
are of your surroundings when playing Pokemon GO and be respectful of the comm
unities and locations in which you play.
—The Pokemon GO team