abless (凜之憶)
2017-08-17 23:50:30※ 引述《oldxeng (Someone call for the do)》之銘言:
: https://pokemongo.gamepress.gg/countering-mewtwo-and-mewtwos-place-meta
: 幫板友稍整理一下,當然不見得是完全正確,還是有討論的空間
Introduction 簡介
On August 14th, Niantic released Mewtwo as a raid boss for the Pokemon Stadium
event in Yokohama, Japan. It was revealed that Mewtwo would be available
through Pokemon GO's new exclusive raid system. The day foretold has come;
Mewtwo is now obtainable in Pokemon GO.
8月14日這天,人們終於想起了被他們支配的恐懼...不是,任天堂以Raid Boss的形式將
With its arrival, Trainers are asking many questions about how to counter
Mewtwo and Mewtwo’s use as an attacker. Using our best mathematical
understanding of gym AI, simulated matchup data, and real world analysis,
we here at GamePress believe we have the answers players are looking for! One
thing we can say for certain, with Mewtwo’s arrival the metagame will never
be the same again.
: 小招
: 好打的(easy mode) 精神利刃
: 困難版(hard mode) 念力
Optimal Movesets: Confusion or Psycho Cut + Shadow Ball
Great Movesets: Confusion or Psycho Cut + Focus Blast
理想的攻擊招:念力/幻象斬 + 影子球
優秀的攻擊招:念力/幻象斬 + 真氣彈
Confusion is on par with Psycho Cut for quick moves; the former offers higher
DPS and the latter offers faster energy gains and easier dodgability.
Shadow Ball is clearly superior to Psychic. Despite lacking STAB, its base
power is similar to Psychic for half the energy cost and goes resisted by only
2 types of Pokemon (Normal and Dark). Shadow Ball does as well as Psychic
against Fighting and Poison-types while also giving Mewtwo an edge over other
Psychic-type Pokemon.
影子球(Shadow Ball)顯著優於幻象術(Psychic),儘管缺少額外加乘(STAB),他的基礎
Focus Blast is a viable, alternative option for countering Normal-type Pokemon
such as Blissey and Snorlax. Its power rivals that of Machamp.
Hyper Beam is definitely Mewtwo’s worst charge move. TM if possible.
Mewtwo as an Attacker 將超夢作為攻擊者
Mewtwo was originally proffered to top all offense charts and trivialize the
use of any other attacker in the game. Niantic suddenly decreasing all of its
stats by 9% put a sharp end to that. Rather than breaking the game, Mewtwo
weighs heavily upon it.
While Mewtwo is still a top neutral DPS option with power rivaling that of
Dragonite, it is by no means “broken.” Like Dragonite, Mewtwo will excel
in many matchups but will often fall short of more optimized counters. However,
unlike Dragonite, Mewtwo’s Psychic, Ghost, and Fighting-type attacks offer
it a variety of optimal matchups.
Mewtwo’s powerful Psychic-type quick moves helps out against Poison and
Fighting-type raid bosses, countering them harder than they ever have been
before. Mewtwo’s resistance to Psychic-type attacks in concert with Shadow
Ball’s raw power make Psychic-type raid bosses bend the knee to their new
Mewtwo king. Even the mighty Blissey quivers before Mewtwo’s power as Mewtwo
resists Blissey’s paltry Zen Headbutts while obliterating it at near Machamp
speeds with Focus Blast. Needless to say, there is now
a meta before Mewtwo and a meta after Mewtwo.
: 遇到念力的話派玻璃大砲(螳螂,耿鬼...) 可能會變成堆屍了...
: 最強打手 班吉拉
: 小招要咬,大招咬碎或尖石都可以
: 真氣彈超夢
: 當你有一隻很強的班吉拉,但是電腦沒幫忙選的話,超夢大招可能就是真氣彈了
: 作者建議派快龍,暴鯉龍(小招咬),或超夢...XDDDDD
: 如果是精神利刃+真氣彈可以派耿鬼
: 最坦的話是洛奇亞,不過因為攻擊不強,大招建議神鳥猛擊。
: 舔卡比還可以(decent option)
: 反正也不知道什麼時候會出,大家當做閒聊就好了...
Countering Mewtwo 康特超夢
Compared to previous legendary raid bosses, Mewtwo’s movesets will heavily
influence the raiders’ experience. experience. Generally speaking, Mewtwo's
difficulty depends on which fast move it has.
Psycho Cut’s low base power will put Mewtwo on “easy mode” and place greater
emphasis on resisting Mewtwo’s charge moves. Confusion on the other hand will
put Mewtwo on “hard mode” and emphasize the need to resist Psychic-type
damage. In fact, Confusion Mewtwo is so powerful that it calls the viability o
f “Glass Cannon” counters (such as Gengar) into question, makes “Good”
counters (such as Scizor) look squishy, and may bring “Tank” options (such as
Lugia) to the field for general use rather
than an anchoring 6th slot Pokemon.
All things considered, Tyranitar comes in as the #1 counter to most Mewtwo
movesets. Tyranitar’s Dark-typing allows it to doubly resist Mewtwo’s Psychic
-type attacks while putting a STAB 1.2x multiplier behind its super effective
Dark-type attacks. Not only that, but Tyranitar’s dual typing also resists
both Mewtwo’s Shadow Ball and Hyper Beam. It is worth noting that both Stone
Edge and Crunch are equally viable as charge moves for Tyranitar. Despite
dealing neutral damage, Crunch is weak enough
where the gap between the two moves is relatively small. The main selling
point with Tyranitar is Bite.
Focus Blast Mewtwo 超夢 feat. 真氣斬
Despite Tyranitar’s merits, Mewtwo may be carrying the charge move Focus Blast
, which will take Tyranitar’s hit points from Hero to Zero in a matter of
seconds. Fortunately, you may be able to “tell” if Mewtwo is carrying Focus
Blast from looking at your auto-selected line up. If Tyranitar is
auto-selected, you are likely facing a Mewtwo with Psychic, Shadow Ball, or
Hyper Beam as its charge move. If Tyranitar is nowhere to be seen, you either
forgot to revive yours or Mewtwo is packing Focus Blast.
儘管有老班救星,超夢仍有真氣斬可以痛擊班吉拉(From Hero to Zero),幸運的是你可能
If Mewtwo is carrying Focus Blast, then Dragonite, Bite Gyarados, and Mewtwo
itself take the spotlight as Mewtwo’s best counters. If a Focus Blast Mewtwo
has Psycho Cut as its quick move, Gengar downright dominates the fight with its
high DPS, super effective, STAB attacks Shadow Claw, Hex, and Shadow Ball. As
a tanky 6th slot option, against Focus Blast, no Pokemon will stay in the
fight longer than Lugia; just make sure it carries Sky Attack to keep its DPS
奇亞在第六順位是最佳選擇,記得要帶天空攻擊(SKY ATTACK)唷!
All this said, Tyranitar is still a very potent option against Focus Blast
Mewtwo! While Focus Blast will likely take Tyranitar out in one hit, Focus
Blast is still just a one bar charge move and will likely make few appearances
in the fight. Tyranitar’s high DPS and powerful resistance to all of Mewtwo’
s quick moves still makes it a better option that most others against Mewtwo.
Just don’t place all your bets on it.
Other Options 其他選擇
Houndoom, Pinsir, and Scizor all feature as generally good, all around options
against Mewtwo. While they’re a bit more on the low survivability side
against Confusion, their DPS and performance against Psycho Cut cannot be
After them a wide variety of Pokemon lurk as sub-optimal counters to Mewtwo,
including but not limited to: Alakazam, Flareon, Moltres, Zapdos, Exeggutor,
Vaporeon, Arcanine, Sneasel, Typhlosion, and Umbreon. At this point,
eyebrow-raising options such as Crobat, Muk, and Heracross hit the scene. If
you find yourself reaching this low in the barrel, you may be better off with
an underleveled Tyranitar.
As a final note, Snorlax and Blissey both come up as tankier, low DPS options
against Mewtwo. While they both doubly resist Shadow Ball, it is very difficult
to discern a Shadow Ball Mewtwo from a Psychic or Hyper Beam one in the queue.
Against all 3 of these charge moves, Tyranitar will serve you significantly
better. While we here at GamePress are willing to concede that Lick Snorlax is
a decent option against Mewtwo (should you not have a Tyranitar, Dragonite,
Mewtwo, or Gyarados to take its place), we cannot recommend using the
abysmally weak and slow Blissey except as an absolute last resort.
Closing 結語
As you can tell, if you’re not rolling up to the local Mewtwo raid with a
bunch of Tyranitar at the ready, you may be in for a rough ride! While
Houndoom, Pinsir, and Scizor make for decent alternative options, all three
pale in comparison. If you queue up and you find your Tyranitar army isn’t
auto-selected, you may be up against Focus Blast. Respond accordingly and make
sure to slot in Dragonite, Gyarados, Gengar, Lugia, or your own Mewtwo to
shore up your Fighting-type weakness before your Tyranitar.
Once you clear the raid, revel in the fact that you are now in possession of
one of the most powerful, metagame defining Pokemon in Pokemon GO and
subsequently save all Rare Candy for its ascension to power. At this point in
time, if your Mewtwo has Psychic or Hyper Beam, you may want to use a Charge
TM. Shadow Ball is as powerful as Psychic against targets weak to Psychic-type
damage and allows Mewtwo to smash Psychic-type Pokemon as well. Focus Blast
allows Mewtwo to rival Machamp as the #1 Blissey slayer.