Sponsored Locations for Business 之前都是大企業找 Niantic 私下談贊助商, 現在公開讓中小企業通過審查後,也可以在自己的商店建立 POI。 但目前只讓美國地區申請。 一天 $1 可以建立一個點,每個月改一次照片,描述或優惠。 $2 可以設立高級點 (道館和要塞),一個月舉辦一小時的活動 (例如指定時間 raid) 每個月改兩次照片,描述或優惠。 In "Buddy Adventure," you can not only interact with your "Buddy" (a Pokémon of your choice from your collection) by feeding it berries and giving it virtual pats on the head, but you'd also be able to see your friends' Pokémon at the same time. You can then interact with them, Basically, you and your friends would need to have the feature enabled and be in the same location for it to work. 之後的 "Buddy Adventure" 功能,讓你可以玩弄附近朋友的 Buddy。 不過沒提到會有什麼好處。 另外雖然台灣已經開放了, 文章中也提到 Niantic Wayfarer 下週開放給所有 LV 40 的寶可夢玩家。