[情報] HM1 勢必會GG了

作者: nollet (nollet)   2015-11-09 08:17:32
由於版友有跳出HM1 prohibited 的現象,於是我寄信給客服詢問一下
We recently revised our policy on the use of third party tools and services,
which has resulted in certain features of "Holdem Manager 1" becoming
prohibited. As such, it is no longer permitted while playing at PokerStars
regardless of whether the prohibited features are used. In order for it to be
permitted once again, the prohibited features will need to be removed by the
developer, who you may contact directly if you wish to provide feedback.
You may read more about our policy on the use of third party tools and
services on our website at:
Please also note that there are many third party tools that are no longer
supported or updated, and we have decided against listing them on our website
in order to avoid clutter. Instead, we will directly notify any player who
uses such tools that are no longer supported by the developer and do not
receive an update to remain in compliance with our rules.
內容不重要反正就是他懶得列HM1 因為她說這樣很麻煩不然以後要我禁一個列一個?
重點來了(有人不想打POKER想賣的嗎? 或是有覺得pokerstars很黑暗的?
combo版或是 HM pro都可以 價錢你要私訓或推文都可以歐
PS:忘記講是HM2歐 另徵女學生(徵好久了
作者: dullbat (~<( ˋ▽ˊ) ╯)   2015-11-09 11:22:00
作者: gto12030332 (賣PS牛喔)   2015-11-09 15:08:00
我有hm1 p+h 專業板多少收?
作者: nollet (nollet)   2015-11-09 17:50:00
HM2 COMBO已買好 剩女學生,只剩一個名額歐
作者: findfu (雞咕咕)   2015-11-10 02:02:00
作者: nollet (nollet)   2015-11-10 08:26:00
謝了 輝哥
作者: blanklife   2015-11-10 23:22:00
收HM2,pro或small stakes版本都行,意者請來信報價
作者: findfu (雞咕咕)   2015-11-11 16:23:00

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