ww8800 (ww8800)
2024-01-07 17:29:02GGPoker recently spotted unusual game patterns and abnormal game client
packets from a user nicknamed 'Moneytaker69'.
We have banned the user and confiscated the unfair winnings, equating to
Under a specific set of circumstances related to the Thumbs Up/Down Table
Reaction' feature, which involves decompilation of our Windows game client
... was able to deduce all-in equity by exploiting a client-side data leak
根據GG poker twitter的連結
這個有問題的使用者帳號是 Moneytaker69
該用戶利用按讚跟倒讚功能的漏洞 可以計算出他與對手all in之後的勝率
官方已經沒收Moneytaker69帳戶裡的29795餘額 會再補償給受到影響的玩家
簡單來說就是這樣 樓下怎麼看