線上編譯器: https://goo.gl/nXJ17m
"Find the unique number."
"An unique number is define as: A number with no repeated digit"
"i.e. 121, 988, 677... has a repeated repeated"
Integer extend[
"Finds the unique number under 10 raise to self"
"Shows the range"
Transcript show: 'Parse 1-'.
(10 raisedTo: self) printNl.
"Parse from 1 to the range"
1 to: (10 raisedTo: self) -1 do:[ :i | i parseUnique. ].
"Creates array for checking if a digit repeated"
|array check|
check := self.
array := Array new: 10.
1 to: 10 do: [:i | array at: i put: 0].
"Checks the number by shifting 10"
[check > 0] whileTrue: [
index := check \\ 10 +1.
check := check // 10.
"If array at the digit is not 0, omit this number"
((array at: index) > 0 ) ifTrue:[ ^self ].
"If array at the digit is 0, set it to 1 to indicate used"
array at: index put: 1.
"This number is unique"
self printNl.
1 unique.
2 unique.
3 unique.
4 unique.