proletariat (Die Ruinen von Athen)
2017-10-25 23:03:04推 privateeyes: 要脫離習慣的框架,真的去問問說不定有些好大喜功的 10/25 14:50
→ privateeyes: 單位會想接 美國秘勤局還承接假鈔業務勒 10/25 14:50
→ privateeyes: 假鈔業務跟特勤人員 有什麼關聯嗎 10/25 14:51
USSS History
The United States Secret Service is one of the oldest federal law enforcement
agencies in the country and ranks among the most elite in the world. With its
origin dating back to the end of the American Civil War, the Secret Service
was originally founded to combat the then-widespread counterfeiting of U.S.
currency. In 1901, the agency was asked to begin its protective mission after
the assassination of President William McKinley – the third sitting U.S.
President to be assassinated. Today, the Secret Service proudly continues to
protect both national leaders and visiting foreign dignitaries while helping
to secure the nation’s financial infrastructure through financial and
cybercrime investigations.
作者: privateeyes 2016-10-25 14:50:00
要脫離習慣的框架,真的去問問說不定有些好大喜功的單位會想接 美國秘勤局還承接假鈔業務勒假鈔業務跟特勤人員 有什麼關聯嗎原來如此那同樣的邏輯 財政部轄下的單位的業務職掌和保護總統的特勤任務有什麼關聯? 還是沒有啊結果還是可以這樣承接不是嗎?所以我才說捕蜂捉蛇 也可以跳脫一般刻板印象為什麼一定認為要和蜂蛇有點關係的單位才可以做?農委會消防署不想接 但一定有那種好大喜功的單位想接到時再把該單位的組織法修一修就好了
nnz938 (阿祥)
2017-10-26 07:50:00可以給陸委會,反正現在陸委會也沒事做。
proletariat (Die Ruinen von Athen)
2017-10-26 10:06:00至少祕勤局接下保護任務 有給人給錢給物資給訓練萬一幫總統擋子彈GG 算是因公殉職 反觀消防員捕蜂捉蛇 有給訓練?有補充人力?不幸有傷亡算殉職嗎?命令別人作事,該有的支援保障都沒有,這款的上級長官?只會講空話 成就感? 作功德? 上帝的選民?
作者: Sugarberry (拉斯塔巴德) 2017-10-26 12:25:00