Scout/transfer market updates - looking for feedback
There are a few things we consider changing about the transfer market.
We would want to make the scout regions a little more important again.
球探搜索區域(scout regions)這件事情的重要性會再次提高。
We would increase the amount of scout regions to 14 and rebalance them. At
scout level 1 you would get your own region and two random regions that you
can not change. At level 10 you would have a total of 12 regions, so no one
would be able to see everything any more.
We would also like to make it impossible to bid on players that are not from
one of the scout regions you selected in your scout office. We realise this
could be controversial, that's why we're putting it here first before
deciding on it.
It's a change that I've considered necessary for a long time already though.
It would reduce the advantage a small club can get from having a friend (or a
multi that we haven't caught yet) with a big scout office who will search for
players for them. Two medium clubs can also get an advantage by each
selecting half of the regions. This is probably the most abusable part of the
game and I see no other way to solve this.
1. 大球會在轉會市場罩小球會(協助搜索球員)
2. 兩個中型球會對半切轉會市場,並交換資訊,
The transfer forum would be removed. These types of posts do not really have
a place on the forum anyway, it's just something we allowed to make it clear
these links can't be posted anywhere else on the forum, but it shouldn't be
Finally there should be a small change to the bidding mechanism: A new round
of bidding would only start when there are at least 5 bidding teams AND at
least one of them bid the maximum amount. This would solve the problem that
when 5 teams bid the asking price of an expensive player no one else can bid
without bidding significantly more than any of those 5 teams. This can be a
problem for expensive players.
最終,目前轉會市場的高價球員轉會機制有一個困境 :
1 .至少五個球隊報價。
2. 至少一隊報價最高價。
I forgot to mention here that we're also looking for some ways to modify the
winning percentages for transfers. We could add one or maybe two categories
of yes or no's and make the final weight exponential instead of linear (each
next "yes" would be worth more than the previous).
補充 :
1. 可能會增加1-2個轉會屬性,增加Yes和No的數量
2. Yes和No的影響,可能從"線性"更改為"指數"。換句話說,比起現行機制,