It's almost season 34 and that means that the update with new facility levels
is coming soon. It will be possible to start building the new facilities on
day 1 of season 34.
Here is a summary of what will change:
You will be able to upgrade Training Complex 10 to Football Academy 1 which
has 6 levels.
You will be able to upgrade Youth Complex 10 to Youth Academy 1 which has 6
It will be possible to pause the construction of your current building to
start on one of the new levels instead. Progress on your current project will
be saved and can be continued later without loss of time.
The costs for these facilities has changed from the preliminary values we
shared before but the order of magnitude is still roughly the same. YA1 costs
82M RSD to build and 524k/week to maintain. FA1 costs 203M to build and
272k/week to maintain.
青年學院1花費 82M RSD來建造,並且每周要524K來維護。
足球學院1花費203M RSD來建造,並且每周要272K來維護。
The Youth Academy will get settings to exclude certain special attributes
and/or get a higher chance to get certain special attributes.
The Scout office will get 2 extra levels and a 2000-credit player at level
There will be 2 new scout regions and the existing scout regions will be
rebalanced. This will happen after the current transfer window closes.
The construction master staff member works like a regular staff member except
that he is not attached to a particular building. You can have 2 construction
staff members if you do not have 2 staff members in any other building.
The construction master reduces building time by 3% for each level (lineair:
30% at level 10). With 2 construction masters you can get a maximum 51%
reduction (1-0.7*0.7)
The board does not check your financial situation before allowing an upgrade
to the new facility levels. If the maintenance costs become too high it will
be possible to downgrade those facilities to a lower level.
If your team has a negative balance at the start of a season the board can
decide to force downgrade facilities. If this happens you have a 14-day
period in which you can get a positive balance again and cancel the
The bank will only pay interest over a maximum amount of 100 million per
office level. With office 10 you get interest over a maximum amount of 1
billion RSD. Any extra money you have will not generate interest.
利息也就是10億 RSD。任何超過的錢都不會產生任何利息。
Here is a list of the new special attributes. The first two are available at
TC10, the others are natural attributes that cannot be trained.
Poacher (TC10): +0.25 ball scoring when player is in penalty area
Poacher (訓10): 當球員在12碼區內時+0.25球射門。
Freestyler (TC10): +1 ball tactics when facing 3 or more opponents in the
same region. -0.5 ball speed.
Freestyler (訓10): 當面臨3或更多對手在相同區域時+1球戰術,並-0.5球速度。
Agile: +1 ball speed for keeper, 25% chance to avoid a duel
Agile: 守門員+1球速度,25%機會避免對決。
Fast leaner: Gets the full XP in 75% of the number of matches. (eg. 15*667 xp
instead of 20*500 for league matches)
Fast leaner: 只要75%場次就能獲得該有的經驗值。
Nationalistic: +0.05 on all trainables per 2 players with the same
nationality in their team on the field. -0.2 if there are less than 2.
Nationalistic: 隊上每2個同國籍球員在場上,+0.05在所有可訓練能力。
Concentrated: Bonus when defending against long shots. Bonus for receiving a
Concentrated: 對於防守遠射獲得加成。對於接到傳球獲得加成。
Greedy: demands 50% higher salary
Greedy: 需要更多50%的薪水。
Creative: Gets 1-3 boosts per match of +0.25 on all trainables for a few
minutes. Can also get the opposite, but less likely.
Creative: 每場比賽得到1~3次提升,在少數分鐘內+0.25球於所有可訓練能力。
Vain: plays better when he is one of the 3 best players on the team. Worse if
Vain: 當他是隊上前3好的球員時表現更好。若不是則表現較差。
Modest: plays better when he is not one of the best 3 players on the team.
Worse if he is.
Modest: 當他不是隊上前3好的球員時表現更好。若是則表現較差。