火箭總管Daryl Morey下台。
ESPN Sources: Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey is stepping down.
火箭總管Daryl Morey下台。
In the aftermath of Houston's elimination from the NBA's restart in Orlando,
Florida, Morey approached owner Tilman Fertitta with the idea of leaving the
job and the sides quietly worked through an exit agreement to conclude his 13
seasons running the franchise's basketball operations, sources said.
在火箭淘汰出局後,Morey跟老闆Tilman Fertitta提出想離職的打算,於是雙方靜悄悄的
心得:當初04-05開始支持火箭時正好遇到你從賽爾提克轉過來QAQ 一晃就15年了還是很難過沒給你枚冠軍戒指啊
John Lucas接教練機會提高其實Kelly iko自己在podcast給Morey去年操作的評分是C+,有勇氣但決策錯誤現在就籌碼耗盡,EG續完約也變負資產,其實也沒啥辦法Cuban算好老闆了吧,小牛管理教練也不差吧,還不是選到077才起飛,洛杉磯這種沒進季後賽都有球星要去的模式根本無法模仿,本來至少一定程度靠選秀才是正解暴龍熱火還不是都有便宜球星紅利在用