boja0204 (shishi)
2017-09-29 23:22:121. 都會地區的高房價對社會產生了嚴重的影響
解答寫 High house prices in city areas have a serious influence on the society .
可以翻成 The high prices of houses in cities area make severe impact on the society .
2. 藉由決心與努力,很多人成功了,不但獲利更多,還過著更健康的生活。
答案翻 Through determination and effort , many succeed ; they not only gain more profit but also live in healthier lives
可以翻成 Via deternination and effort , many people succeed ; they not only gain more profit but also live healthier lives . 嗎?
3. https://imgur.com/a/wSy2H
為什麼第十九題不能用 represented ?
4. 中翻英時 即使中文沒有使用分號 英文文法沒錯的話就可以用分號嗎? (根據第二題的?
5. 返回家鄉可以翻成go home嗎? 答案是翻return home 應該是一樣的吧?
那麼go back home 跟 go home 這兩個有差嗎