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※搶樓 #1XIJG6FN 特殊樓層 923 P , 私心創意獎 200 P 其實沒想到會這麼多英文XDD
推 Acorn: I LOVE that you're my favorite star. Happy birthday09/21 09:29
→ Acorn: to Key!!!09/21 09:29
推 zxp86081: I LOVE that you're always be my hope 09/23 23:01
推 mi324: I LOVE that you're so handsome. Happy birthday KEY! 09/23 09:23
推 inhumanq: I LOVE that you're full of confidence in your09/23 09:23
→ inhumanq: performances.09/23 09:23
推 Hopter: I LOVE that you're versatile and wonderful. Happy b09/23 21:23
→ Hopter: irthday to KEY!09/23 21:23
推 acelong: I LOVE that you're the brightest star on the stage 09/23 21:23
→ acelong: .Happy birthday.09/23 21:23
推 PumPum: I LOVE that you’re the most important key on stage09/23 21:23
→ PumPum: . The most fantastic song of the year is [Hate that09/23 21:23
→ PumPum: ...] ,and I will look forward to your good or wonde09/23 21:23
→ PumPum: rful works.09/23 21:23
→ PumPum: \ Happy Key birthday /09/23 21:23
推 sjpl: I LOVE that you're who you are and just because it's you09/21 15:43
→ sjpl: . Happy birthday to our lovely KEY.09/21 15:43
推 stajkmly: I LOVE that you're always know what you want to do a 09/22 23:22
→ stajkmly: nd enjoy. I’ll wait for the day we can meet FACE to 09/22 23:22
→ stajkmly: face. Happy KEY day~ 09/22 23:22
※創意接龍 #1XIQKNIV 成功組每人 525 P
推 Hopter: 你是超帥的歐巴09/21 20:47
推 hihiair: 依舊是最帥的那位09/21 20:47
推 acelong: 然後繼續發光發熱09/21 20:47
推 inhumanq: 事情都能輕鬆搞定09/21 20:48
推 Acorn: 我最愛的偶像09/21 20:48
推 CalmEarth: 人人都喜愛的耀眼星星09/21 20:48
推 ling926: 生日快樂永遠快樂 09/21 20:49
推 Creatinine: 的確是萬能的KEY09/21 20:54
推 PumPum: Everything is so wonderful.09/21 20:55
推 a82822227: my super star09/21 20:56
推 sharkmegalo: Love you forever.09/21 21:00
︱名次 SHINee World 分數 獎金 ︱
︱一位 martinjh 32分 10923 P ︱
︱二位 LisaJinki 30分 9923 P ︱
︱三位 freedomleave 24分 8923 P ︱
︱四位 hihiair 22分 7923 P ︱
︱五位 zxp86081 21分 6923 P ︱
︱六位 sookie125 8分 5923 P ︱
︱七位 kazunariken 7分 4923 P ︱