※ 引述《o07608 (無良記者)》之銘言:
: =====================================
: Virtualization 虛擬化
: One of the great mysteries of any sentient race is the understanding of
: consciousness. As Endless technology increased in sophistication, they turned
: more and more to questions about this oldest of mysteries. It was one thing
: to develop artificial intelligence; they had many of these that were highly
: advanced and helped them to run their ships, societies, and habitats.
: However, there is a great difference between creating an artificial mind
: inside a machine, and actually placing an already living mind inside an
: electronic container.
: 對於任何知覺物種來說,其中一個最大的謎團就是對於意識的認知。因為永恆族的科技已
: 經臻至爐火純青的地步,他們開始對於這最古老的謎團投入越來越多的心力。(譯註:這
: 句看不會翻譯)。然而,要替機器加裝人工智慧,和真的把一個活生生的心智安裝到一個
: 電子容器內是差很多的。
: This achievement is credited to numerous different scientists and entities
: depending on what Endless group's history one reads. The most reliable and
: seemingly accurate attribute the discovery of practical virtualization to one
: of three sources:
: 大量關於永恆族歷史的物品,及許多科學家根據對於永恆族歷史的解讀都確認了他們的成
: 就,(譯註:這句不會翻譯):
: A professor named Sluaym and his research team, working in the Department of
: Discovering the Next Way Forward (DINWARD or Advanced Psychology Research) at
: the University of the Lee Shore of the North Heeur Ice Sheet on
: Memories-of-That-We-Lost;
: 一個名為Sluaym(譯註:不會發音)的教授與他的團隊,他們在「尋找今後的下一個方向
: 」(DINWARD,或者進階心理學研究)部工作,(譯註:然後後面那票完全看不懂)
: A small team of scientists with an openly professed alternative lifestyle,
: living in a large orbital complex off a gas giant circling the star named
: Tetomeus Minor. Their commune called itself One-Sex-One-Way-Many-Procedures
: (Osowmap), and the key team members were Cleeoinal, Clieobur, Cloeeyech, and
: Cloeyina.
: 一支由科學家組成,公然過著所謂奇怪的生活的團隊。他們住在一個環繞著「鐵托米俄斯
: 少年」恆星的巨大氣態行星上,該團體成員自稱為「一性一方、多種程序(譯註:求更好
: 的翻譯)」(Osowmap),其中的核心成員有克利歐伊奈、克萊歐布爾、克羅伊耶克和克羅
: 耶娜。
: A cyber-warfare team funded by the Ministry of Maintaining Our Chosen
: Lifestyle (Mocholi a.k.a. Defense), run by a small cabal of extreme
: right-wing officers who were part of the orbital mission that protected the
: remains of Kyros as a neutral site.
: 一支和電腦有仇的團隊,由「維持神替我們選擇的生活」(Mocholi,又名防衛)局所組
: 建。該團隊由一小群極右翼軍官營運,他們都是一項保護凱洛斯殘餘部分為中立區的任務
: 中的一份子。
cyber-warfare team翻成 網路戰技小隊比較好。
: The effects of this discovery, in the decades that followed its dissimulation
: across Endless space, were enormous. For practical, economic, and social
: reasons it caused a major upheaval in the fundamental structure of the
: society and a completely new interpretation of the needs of Endless
: civilization. Who needed to worry about complexities like food, clothing, and
: shelter? As long as there was a sufficiently advanced infrastructure in
: place, the needs of all individuals could be met by an adequate supply of
: power and good maintenance robots.
: 這個發現的影響(譯註:中間這句不會翻譯)非常巨大。無論在實務、經濟和社會方面,
: 它都對整個社會的根本造成了劇變,同時永恆族文明也開始需要一個全新的定義。誰需要
: 擔心像是實務、衣服和庇護處這種雜七雜八的東西?只要一個地方有足夠先進的公共建設
: ,光靠足夠的能源供給和優良的維持機器人就能達到所有人的需求。
: The Splintering 殘屑
: Following the internecine Dust Wars, much of the fabric of Endless
: civilization was either destroyed, cut off into non-communicating islands, or
: scattered too thinly across the stars to re-form a critical mass and move
: ahead as a single entity. As communication lapsed the different elements that
: once made up the society grew apart, eventually to the point of radically
: different evolutions.
: 隨著毀滅性的星塵戰爭而來,大部分永恆族文明不是被摧毀、被切斷成為無法對外聯繫的
: 孤島,就是由於在群星之間散佈的太細碎而無法重新組成足以再度振作的群體。由於通訊
: 的失誤,曾經組成社會的不同成分各自分散,最後各自變成徹底不同的發展。
: The Dust encountered in the game comes from the remnants of these
: civilizations.
: 偶然進入這場遊戲的星塵,來自於如此文明的殘跡。
: Both the Concrete and the Virtual elements of the civilization further
: subdivided themselves depending on where they found themselves in the galaxy,
: what their leadership wanted, and what resources were on hand. A sample of
: some of the splinters that broke off and sought their own destinies is
: included below.
: 無論是實體派還是虛擬派,又進一步把他們自己細分為他們從銀河何處來、他們的領導者
: 的目標、和手上有什麼資源。
(這邊的殘屑就是上面條目裡面的The Splintering)
: It should be emphasized that elements of many of these groups could often be
: found living together, or tendencies to more than one of these preferences
: could be found within any group of either Concretes or Virtuals. In some
: cases, however, groups sought to isolate and "purify" themselves, taking over
: terrain or habitat space in order to live on their own.
: 要強調的是,這些團體的許多成員現在還能被發現到一起生活著,或者能發現受過實體派
: 或虛擬派不只一次的「關愛」的僕從們。然而,在某些案例中,這些團體會尋求孤立及「
: 淨化」他們自己,(譯註:不知道怎麼翻譯)以自己生活。(譯註:這整段都求更好的翻
: 譯)