[情報] 1/12 1/13 Daily Horoscope

作者: ohigotyou (哈哈哈哈)   2016-01-13 17:50:19
Sagittarius horoscope for Jan 12 2016
You may be feeling defensive because you presume that friends or family
members don't approve of a recent escapade or adventure. You may think you
can see the signs that they are looking down on you or talking behind your
back. Stop worrying, Sagittarius. Even if others don't understand some
choice you made recently, that's no reason to start a riot.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion, including you. That's why you
need to be strong and confident and sure of yourself. If you appear to
uphold your own choices, others will be more accepting.
作者: mapleXD (厚厚)   2016-01-13 18:06:00
作者: tommy666 (醋醋)   2016-01-13 18:08:00
作者: kaka1205 (全台智力測驗)   2016-01-13 18:09:00
推 感謝翻譯
作者: hhabq   2016-01-13 19:19:00
感謝翻譯 辛苦了~
作者: smile319 (手牽手)   2016-01-13 22:48:00
作者: yoco1209   2016-01-13 22:56:00
作者: monya11085 (:目)   2016-01-13 22:56:00
作者: CaiMom (孬孬憲)   2016-01-13 23:25:00
作者: winnielin28 (小維尼)   2016-01-13 23:35:00
感謝翻譯!!! 要積極努力
作者: fk301051996 (喵太朗)   2016-01-13 23:58:00
有準 我才剛振作起來耶 好兆頭

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