Sagittarius horoscope for Jan 23 2016
You may be feeling a bit unsociable now because you would prefer to draw the
shades and take a good, long rest. Even so, it is your nature to stay busy,
so you might be feeling guilty for the way you feel. Your body and your
spirit are telling you to slow down though, so you need to listen.
If you have the time then by all means give yourself a nice break, doing only
what you feel inclined to do. If that happens to be long naps and other
indulgences, then go for it. You'll feel ready for anything once you get your
fill of rest.
作者: lulu130 2016-01-23 21:19:00
非常謝謝翻譯:)才剛把ig,Fb,message 刪掉,好準。