Sagittarius horoscope for Sep 30 2016
You have not been able to get through to someone you are dealing with in some
kind of a venture that involves partnership. No matter how hard you have
struggled to explain and to be understood, this person has been as dense and
as slow as molasses. It probably isn't your communication skills that are
lacking, Sagittarius, and you may be frustrated by this communication gap -
but don't give up. The cloud that has been hovering over your efforts is
dissipating now, and as it clears, you will be able to start making up for
lost time.
作者: chiyao 2016-09-30 16:15:00
謝謝T大辛苦翻譯! 另外個人小小拙見, 因為as slow as molasses是形容人或事極為緩慢的意思,所以也許這整句可以解釋成這個人比較難纏(或難以溝通),讓你花費了很多心力去解釋並渴望被理解 :)