[情報] Daily Horoscope 11/28

作者: TurtLeKwei (Kwei)   2016-11-28 01:13:28
Sagittarius horoscope for Nov 28 2016
Has something you want very much eluded you? This may be a big
disappointment, Sagittarius. It may seem that the harder you work to get what
you want, the further away it gets. Try something different. Tonight, if the
sky is clear, choose one single, bright star and make a wish. Then let go of
your desire. Truly let it go. Send it up into the night sky. Doing this will
help you to feel chained to what you want, and it may just help that dream
find its way to you on its own in some way.
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國二也想交 現在大二還是沒有
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轉念 ~

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