riding (境隨心轉)
2017-08-01 14:52:08射手啊,你今天在情緒和心志上有點太有活力了
你今天的成功關鍵是專注在最重要的事情上 一分心你就沒辦法進入最佳狀態
把你的活力導向恰當的地方 今天就會是大好的日子
You may be over-energized emotionally and mentally today, Sagittarius,
and that energy is like an electric wire. If you allow it to go loose,
it will zap everyone and everything within reach, but if you remain
connected to your immediate plans and goals, you can accomplish quite
a lot. The key to your success today will come from focusing on what's
most important, and not allowing distractions to get the best of you.
Channel your energy properly, and this can be a marvelous day.