[情報] Daily horoscope 9/20

作者: misa4824 (里紗)   2017-09-20 10:21:18
Sagittarius horoscope for Wednesday Sep 20
You are a hard-working, hard-fighting sign when you believe in something, Sagi
ttarius, but there are times when negative reactions from others make you feel
like giving up. But when that happens to you, it is only after you have fough
t long and hard to achieve something, enduring criticism and brow-beating in t
he process. But something you are working toward now is very important to you,
and you must steel your resolve to get it done. Don't take anyone's unkind fe
edback personally. Just keep going until you get what you need.
作者: forest204c (GranTrius)   2017-09-20 12:53:00

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