[情報] Daily horoscope 7/11

作者: misa4824 (里紗)   2018-07-11 06:43:51
Sagittarius horoscope for Wednesday Jul 11
The major issue with a problem you are now facing is that you see it as a prob
lem! You may have been dwelling on some circumstance that seems complicated an
d difficult, and the more you think about it, the larger it looms and the more
intimidating it seems. But this isn't really a problem in the truest sense, S
agittarius. This is an alteration of the way something was, and it is somethin
g that you can get used to, adjust to, and eventually come to deal with in a v
ery successful way. So, this is more about adapting to something than fixing a
problem. Try seeing it that way.
作者: tomdanny75 (毛a( ′-`)y-~)   2018-07-11 07:32:00
好吧 昨天看帳單被嚇到 今天忘了他吧
作者: Keffton (Keff)   2018-07-11 13:22:00
好吧 面對心病
作者: freshbunny (春虫虫)   2018-07-11 16:47:00

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