You have been delving more into exploring your many talents in recent
weeks, and you may be especially intrigued by the possibilities in one
area. This month you should continue to work on this, because
opportunities are coming in the months ahead. If you work at this now,
Scorpio, you will feel polished and confident when a chance encounter
opens up a whole new world for you. June may also offer some surprises in
some interesting areas - including the culinary arts, something connected
to music or film, and perhaps an opportunity to travel will come to you.
Even if money is tight now, you need to finagle your budget to find a way
to participate in as many chances in these areas as possible. You are
broadening your horizons now, and you are becoming more sophisticated.
This will serve you well in many of your future endeavors. An encounter
with someone you know through family or some other close connection may
get a little too personal in the second half of the month. Someone may be
acting nosy and trying to get you to reveal some private information.
Stand your ground and reply carefully, because whatever you say could wind
as fodder for gossip. But this person's interest will be explained before
the end of the month.