kl25082 (è²)
2018-10-31 01:53:05No matter how long you have been traveling on a certain road, you can
always turn around and go in another direction. You may feel that you have
spent too much time on a certain journey to turn back, Scorpio, even
though you are starting to feel you are headed the wrong way. This month,
it may become clear to you that going even further would be pointless if
you no longer believe in your quest. But the timing is perfect because
another road is slowly opening up for you, and by the time you reach that
intersection, you may be ready to veer off. November will also be a good
time for refining a plan you have been working on in your personal life.
You may have great expectations for this, and taking the time to work on
it while all is going well will make your approach even stronger. Late in
the month, you may find yourself with a very long list of "to-dos," and
that may create a sense of frustration and pressure. But if you look
carefully at that list, you will recognize that some of the items aren't
really your responsibility, and you should delegate accordingly. As you
end the month, keep an old goal in perspective. You have put a lot of time
and effort into it, and although you haven't yet made the progress you've
been hoping for, it has been a worthwhile experience. Keep your eye on the
prize, for it is closer than you know.