Do you have the sense that you are being taken care of, watched over, and
blessed right now, Scorpio? Hopefully, you have a warm, protected feeling
that you are picking up. There has always been protection around you, but
you may now be coming into an emotional place where you can better feel it.
Wrap yourself up in that feeling this week because you should soon receive
an opportunity that will be best approached from this state of mind. You
should find that once you knowingly and intentionally immerse yourself in
this feeling, it will become more natural and more trusted. Also this week,
set aside some time to work on a special pet project - you know the one.
This might be something that you are afraid to divulge to others because
the unenlightened might advise that you are wasting your time, or that you
are just dreaming. But this would be an effort very worthy of your time. A
lot has changed in your personal life recently, but you may sense an
impending return to normalcy in a very important area. Have faith in this,
for it will give you hope and comfort.