cliched (巴豆妖)
2021-07-05 21:33:11第一次翻,請不吝給意見,謝謝!
Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 7月6日
You may be so nervous about a situation that you are about to enter into, Scor
pio. Even though this arrangement may be very good for you, and perhaps an exc
iting entr嶪 into something you really want to do, you may be thinking of walk
ing away from it. But what you fear may be that you won't measure up, that you
will fail, that you will look foolish - or something along that line. But tha
t's only because you don't yet know the ropes. Give yourself the credit you de
serve. You are a quick study. Decide that you will get up to speed fast, and i
t will be a breeze from there.