[轉錄] 02/09 Daily Horoscope

作者: cliched (巴豆妖)   2021-09-02 02:23:16
Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 9月 2
You may be learning something new today, Scorpio, but don't waste a moment wor
rying about it. You learn and adapt quickly, and although your course of study
might seem complicated, once you catch on, you will hit the ground running. W
hat you learn today could be instrumental in boosting your success and helping
you reach some milestone in your life that is important to you. This could be
the break you've been waiting for. Welcome the chance to learn with enthusias
m and dedication, and you will soar.
作者: cloki (夜雲天)   2021-09-02 02:41:00
作者: taipoo (要成功要積極)   2021-09-02 03:58:00
作者: celtics1997 (山東之龍-禁邪賽鴿)   2021-09-02 04:17:00
@taipoo錢奴的幻想故事#1X715Q9s (love)#1XAchHfK (Taipeiman)
作者: esthele (查無此人)   2021-09-02 09:07:00
作者: elfsoosuk (ELF)   2021-09-02 19:12:00
推 好棒

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