cliched (巴豆妖)
2022-02-28 00:01:15Scorpio horoscope for 星期一 2月 28
Scorpio horoscope for 星期一 2月 28
Someone in your world may be taking a stand. They will do things their way or
not at all. That may leave you in a lurch, Scorpio, if they are supposed to be
helping you out, or if they have a responsibility that will fall onto you if
they don't fulfill it. You can play the same game if you so choose, but why bo
ther? Just as that attitude will create strife and tension in that person's li
fe, it could do the same to you. Just do what you must to get through the day,
and it is likely that - because of your good example - humility will fall upo
n the one refusing to do what they should.