cliched (巴豆妖)
2022-11-19 05:23:05Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 11月 19
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 11月 19
The instinctive "fight or flight" reaction can be a response to stress, panic,
or fear. When you have the urge to run away and escape something deeply emoti
onal that leaves you feeling stuck or frozen, running away is not going to be
the answer. While it might seem counterintuitive, Scorpio, you have to stop an
d face whatever it is that's making you feel that way. You may have to do this
while you're alone, in a place where you feel safe and comfortable. If you ha
ve had that reaction to something recently, pause and reflect on why you feel
as you do. That's the first step in resolving it.