style520 (再一次的門外漢,財團見)
2022-12-15 06:41:00Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 12月 15
Some people believe that we choose our own destinies. They believe that we choos
e the good and the bad. They believe we pick even the hardships and the difficul
ties that we experience. The whole point is to evolve and grow from what we lear
n. We can't know for sure if this is true, Scorpio, but it certainly is a good w
ay of looking at a situation that is wearing you out. Try to find a positive asp
ect behind it. Try to see what it can do for you. If you keep that in mind, it w
ill not only be easier to deal with, but you will also gain something valuable f
rom it.
有些人認為我們選擇自己的命運。 他們相信我們能選擇好與壞。 他們相信我們甚至能選擇
我們經歷的艱辛和困難。 重點是從我們學到的東西中發展和成長。 天蠍,我們無法確定這
是否屬實,但這無疑是看待讓你筋疲力盡情況的好方法。 嘗試找到它背後積極的一面。 嘗
試看看它能為您做什麼。 如果你牢記這一點,它不僅會更容易應對,而且你還會從中獲得