cliched (巴豆妖)
2023-05-18 00:33:15Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 5月 18
Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 5月 18
The concept of "mindfulness" has become a very popular topic. And while you mi
ght be inclined to ignore it because it's simply a trendy idea, you would be w
ise to try to incorporate it into your day today. You have a lot going on, Sco
rpio, and some of it might be difficult for you emotionally since it may invol
ve someone who either brings out the worst in you or who brings up sad or regr
etful memories. Choose to be present - to actively seek out the good in the da
y and anything that appears hopeful - and you can transform today into somethi
ng magical.