[轉錄] 06/08 Daily Horoscope

作者: cliched (巴豆妖)   2023-06-07 23:19:01
Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 6月 8
Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 6月 8
You can't stop high tide from rolling in on the ocean's shoreline. What you ca
n do, though, is be mindful of it and prepared for it if you choose to wade al
ong the water's edge. Since you know that going in too deep might cause you to
buckle if a large wave rolls in, you avoid wading in too deep. The same commo
n sense can be applied to a relationship you have that is often troubled, Scor
pio. If there are certain issues that irritate or exacerbate your interactions
, avoid wading in too deep!
作者: yuanyuan1027   2023-06-08 08:00:00
作者: et252784 (et252784)   2023-06-09 12:30:00

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