daJ (daj)
2003-08-13 22:21:19After class,I went to seafco field
brcause michal wantedbuy something there.
Karen and I went to his homestay.
This is my first time to visit American home,specially experience.
We took some pictures and ate dinner at his home.
His home mom took us to Aki beach.
We saw very beautiful night and full moon
*****very beautiful*******
this is the most beautiful place in seattle.
It's more wonderful than space needle.
His home mom took karen and I to school.
when we arrived 4F greencard brought pizza and ice cream at tv room.
I took a shower.....
I really want to sleep but I have a final exam tomorrow.
ps.haha!i got a massage grom my bf at 11:30.
and got his call.....
he'll service at the most easy place but i don't know which city is.