大學課本贈送~主要是機械系&工工系用書, 還有一本說文解字
更新清單如下, 謝謝
6. <Discrete. Mathematics and Its. Applications> 6/E ISBN:0071244743
9. <Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery> 3/E ISBN:0131225391
10. <Vector mechanics for engineers dynamics> 8/E ISBN:9780071258753
11. <Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics> 8/E ISBN:9780071257657
12. <Mechanical Vibrations> 4/E ISBN:0131967517
13. <Mechanics of Materials: An Adapted Version> 6/E ISBN:9789810677145
14. <Introduction to Ergonomics> 3/E ISBN: 9780849373060
15. <Essentials of mechanical engineering design> 1/E ISBN:0071241817
16. <Introduction to Operations Research> 7/E ISBN:0071181636
17. <Materials: engineering, science, processing and design>
19. <Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case
Studies> 3/E ISBN:9780071270977
20. <工作研究> 11/E ISBN:9861572783
21. <心理學概論> 2/E ISBN:9789861575278
30. <機械設計製造手冊> ISBN:9789572140697
31. <新添古音說文解字注> ISBN:9578424744