來自官方的消息: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?844893-PSA-Official-Progress-Update&s=a349287b54fc3ef6679c9547d418c6ec http://goo.gl/7E8nRg 官方會修正下列問題 Black screen on start-up Grey Load/New Game button Save issues (corrupted saves, saves not saving, cloud not working properly) Poor performance on high end computers (mostly Linux) 並關心以下問題像是 Commercial demand possibly being "killed" by parks and rec. Potential traffic AI issues/improvements Cause/effect for workers getting to their jobs 不過這些問題並不是非常緊急的需要推出 hotfix 官方還推建了三個 MOD 合集 Moo's Collection: I Want It All http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=408878190 For users who want as much as possible (still all high quality stuff) when it comes to custom assets. Please ensure you have at least 4gb+ RAM free for the game and generous amounts of HDD space. Moo's Collection: Mods & Functionality http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=408879327 This is the official mod collection for users that want gameplay/UI/experience altering mods. Moo's Collection: Crème de la Crème http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=408880520 For players that only want the best, high quality, good looking assets and mods available in the workshop.