又是哪一個會比較類似 ski 呢?
※ 引述《hsnupool (abc)》之銘言:
: 小弟的直排輪程度
: 可以做雙腳s跟慣用腳單腳s
: 直排輪影片大部份的動作可以做到
: ※ 引述《leondemon (狗狗)》之銘言:
: : 不太確定 inline alpine skating 怎麼翻譯,根據 wiki:
: : Alpine owes its existence to skiing, because many skiers commonly practiced
: : it in the summer months during its origins, as it helped them to train despi
: te
: : the lack of snow. Skaters complete a course marked by gates while descending
: : at high speeds. Its basic movements are therefore similar to those of downhi
: ll
: : skiing and many athletes regularly practice both modalities.
: : 然後找了一些影片
: : # Inline drills to improve your skiing
: : 利用直排輪練習 ski 動作
: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLqFM7ZgvOo