[翻譯] 對程式設計師提高薪水最好的建議是什麼?

作者: changyuheng (張昱珩)   2016-07-09 06:58:55
What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn a higher
1. Make Computer Science fundamentals very strong,
mainly DataStructure & Algorithm.
2. Make a habit of solving atleast 3-4 code snippets/Week,
check Leetcode/CareerCup
3. No point of being a master of single technology like Java or Python.
Learn several technologies.
4. I was a java developer for 5 years and then I found functional languages like clojure/Python/Scala and believe me, its worth your time. It will broaden your skill-sets & thinking. And now you are already ahead in the race of Developers and Interviews.
5. Heard any new technology, like BigData or Machine Learning. Make sure to understand that and implement a POC. Don’t just read, make sure, you are very much aware of fundamentals. Like you must know the architecture, go through the case studies and BUILD SOMETHING.
6. You gotta market yourself. If you are learning from open Source, its your responsibility, to give back something. Make your github account and contribute. This will make your profile very shiny.
7. Don’t fall in love with any single technology. I saw Desktop based application lost its place and now Mobile is rocking, and I wont be amaze if Virtual Reality takes its place or something. So stop falling in love with any technology. Learn whatever is good in market. Yeah it will be huge but your habit will make you proficient to learn anything new and You will be truly a Quick learner.
8. Attend Hackathons and Technical Meetup. Even you don’t know anything, doesn’t matter. You must build contacts. the more people you know, the probability to end up with better jobs will be more higher.
9. If you don’t like your job or Manager don’t react, keep smiling and keep working and look for new job. Never destroy your relationship with people.
10. Read .. Read … Read … CODE IT
作者: Sidney0503 (Sidney0503)   2016-07-09 07:32:00
作者: bab7171   2016-07-09 08:07:00
作者: xdraculax (首席怪叔叔)   2016-07-09 08:19:00
0. 學好英文 @@
作者: EQQD (EQQD)   2016-07-09 09:44:00
作者: anguso (唷!)   2016-07-09 10:21:00
Ali are needless to say actually...
作者: glory5566 (榮耀5566)   2016-07-09 10:39:00
作者: O187 (187cm)   2016-07-09 11:09:00
作者: lichai (雷迪咖)   2016-07-09 13:09:00
作者: wesley234 (掃地)   2016-07-09 16:01:00
Bull shit!騙騙初學者能力不是你會什麼,而是你能解決什麼問題
作者: y3k (激流を制するは静水)   2016-07-09 16:08:00
有些時候 把事情做好跟薪水高不是一回事啊
作者: windverb (哈哈哈)   2016-07-09 20:43:00
有些能參考 有些.....
作者: Yshuan (倚絃)   2016-07-10 01:02:00
雖然都是基本概念 但條列式清晰地整理還是給推
作者: LinuxTsai (Linux)   2016-07-10 08:58:00
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作者: Hikkiaholic (= =a)   2016-07-10 13:48:00
主管:那啥? (挖鼻孔)
作者: frouscy (流浪吧。)   2016-07-11 00:28:00
現在的java比python更functional了吧lol說python functional是不是搞錯了什麼
作者: LisaShie (小麻)   2016-07-12 15:06:00

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