Shauter ( )
2014-06-11 01:27:23※ 引述《HWBA (╭☆微風★╯)》之銘言:
: 列出 Sony Xperia Z2a 與
: 過去幾款較主流 SONY 的
: 旗艦級手機做比較。
Xperia Blog也來吐槽Xperia Z2a XD
縮網址 http://goo.gl/0zpFo6
Xperia Z2a sized up against the Xperia Z2; inferior display exposed
by XB on 10/06/2014
Xperia Z2a versus Z2_1Sony has started to use much better displays on its
handsets, following much criticism last year. A number of models launched in
2014 now use IPS displays such as the Xperia Z2, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia T2
Ultra and the upcoming Xperia T3.
Earlier today, we reported that the Xperia Z2a will launch in Taiwan next
month, although there’s no word whether we’ll see it launch globally.
Essentially it is the same phone as the Xperia ZL2 that has been released for
au by KDDI in Japan. Specs for the Xperia Z2a are largely the same as the
Xperia Z2 including the Snapdragon 801 (MSM8974AB) chipset, 16GB internal
storage, 3GB RAM, 20.7MP Exmor RS camera and IP55/IP58 certification.
The Xperia Z2a is slightly smaller than the Xperia Z2, sporting a 5.0-inch
1080p display (Xperia Z2: 5.2-inch) and a sealed 3000mAh battery (Xperia Z2:
3200mAh).The Xperia Z2a also only has a VGA (0.3MP) front-facing camera
versus the 2.2MP front camera in the Xperia Z2.
It is therefore a shame to see such a well-specced handset using a VA, rather
than IPS, panel. The side-by-side pictures below of the Xperia Z2a versus the
Xperia Z2 show the difference in displays and how far we’ve come over the
last year. The Xperia Z2a has poor contrast when not looking head-on at the
Given that we’ve seen Sony’s mid-range models this year adopting IPS
panels, it’s a bit odd that it is not using something similar for the Xperia
Z2a. Perhaps Sony is trying to run down inventory of this particular display
type. After all the Xperia Z1 also had a 5.0-inch FHD display, so perhaps
Sony had some excess inventory. Whatever the reason, we hope that going
forward we only see the best displays in all Sony mobile devices.
還用VA而不是IPS,看來是想要銷庫存嗎? (對比今年所有機種 Z2/Z1 Compact
T2 Ultra/T3通通是IPS。 我個人順手一提:Sony用的VA並不爛,而是VA的特性
v00001 (貓)
2014-06-11 01:32:00在手機板逛久了我還以為看SONY 的VA眼睛會瞎掉咧不過前鏡頭30萬實在是太冏了,命名也是亂七八糟...
Shauter ( )
2014-06-11 01:36:00事實上在色階上的表現,XZ跟Z1還贏過Z2;但是可視角那些真的完敗。 今年IPS也是因為背光發色還有硬體補償機制有做好才會有好效果。 否則只是選好的IPS面板也沒屁用
其實gamma shift的問題是可解的 Benq那幾台新的VA螢幕可視角就很優秀 gamma shift也很輕微
v00001 (貓)
2014-06-11 09:01:00身邊有些人士覺得XZ螢幕偏黃,個人倒是沒覺得螢幕有差很多
Shauter ( )
2014-06-11 13:20:00偏暖是XS年代的了,大概是聽說派的朋友
z是偏白吧 我去玩展示機的t2u跟zu之後猛然一看隔壁的z1螢幕真的很…不鮮艷
SDUM 2014-06-11 15:02:00只有偏個角度才會死白 --> 可防偷窺
Shauter ( )
2014-06-11 15:52:00其實用偏白說防窺有點阿Q啦,如果真的是左右側的特定角可以防止被看,Sony會大書特書。 當然Sony願意真的研發這種防偷窺那是再好不過了(日本人的公眾習慣滿似乎開發這滿適合 上行有錯
v00001 (貓)
2014-06-11 16:35:00其實說的是一個不太懂3C的女生,他看我的螢幕覺得的啦反而完全沒有覺得白。可視角部分本來就是這樣我也可接受
這支跟ZL2有關嗎?話說我之前買一台Benq的VA 應該算舊型的 不過發售日和Z差不多 早幾個月的樣子 不過偏白還比Z嚴重...當然這螢幕從正面看還是非常棒的啦...玩game時比後來買的VAIO(和Z2一樣的技術)看起來爽
Shauter ( )
2014-06-11 19:43:00ZL2在台灣跟全球市場是叫Z2a(說真的這命名也是滿白爛的)
如果確實是國際版的話那這些不是之前就知道的事了嗎XD不過我覺得國際版比較適合叫ZR2吧 XDDDD
jfy (天之子)
2014-06-11 21:53:00可是台灣Sony Mobile的FB說Z2a是IPS面板耶。
slcgboy (艾羅米)
2014-06-11 22:15:00看起來是不想跟Z2衝到