[情報] Budenholzer still has hand in Spurs' s

作者: AndyRautins (A Majerle/Nash Hybrid?)   2014-06-14 16:56:04
Budenholzer still has hand in Spurs' success
By Chris Vivlamore
A year removed from his tenure as a long-time Spurs assistant, Hawks coach
Mike Budenholzer plays a role in another likely NBA championship for San
In Games 3 and 4 of the finals - both lopsided Spurs wins at the Heat for a
3-1 series lead - the play of Kawhi Leonard has stood out. The forward has
combined for 49 points, 18 rebounds, five assists, three steals and five
blocked shots in the two victories. He is also a plus-42. According to Spurs
coach Gregg Popovich, it wasBudenholzer who was responsible for the trade
that brought Leonard to San Antonio.
讓總決賽大比分變成3-1的Game3&4中,Kawhi Leonard異軍突起. 這兩場勝利中共拿下
49pts + 18rebs + 5asts + 3stls + 5blks. 據馬刺主帥Popo所言,Bud在當年交易案
During Games 3 and 4, I kept recalling the following answer from Popovich
from an interview he did with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last May
following the Hawks hire of Budenholzer. You may recall the interview. Here
is what he said when asked for a specific example of how Budenholzer helped
the franchise.
"One example of something that is really significant that affected the team
that would be the George Hill-Kawhi Leonard trade," Popovich said. "Bud was
all over me for that one. I didn’t want to do it because George Hill was one
of my favorite players all-time. I had a real special relationship with that
kid. To this day, we still work together on a couple of community things in
San Antonio and Indianapolis. I did not want to do it but Bud was the driving
force behind it. He was hammering myself and (general manager R.C. (Buford)
because we need a 3, we need a bigger 3. George Hill would have continued to
play behind Tony Parker probably, in all logic I assume that would have been
true. With Manu (Ginoboli) at the 2, George wasn’t going to get all the
minutes he deserved. With a need at the 3 so Manu wouldn’t have to play the
position, or Danny Green, we thought this would make some sense. I remember
right up until draft night, I’m sitting up there with Peter Holt, our owner,
and Bud is down there hammering on R.C. and looking up at me. They are
looking up, at me and I’m thinking 'I don’t want to do this. Jesus I don’t
want to do this.’ He made me pull the trigger and it’s been a great trade
for both teams. That was something very specific that he had his hand in."
"Bud在那件事上完全壓過了我. Hill是我任教歷史中最喜歡的球員之一. 我跟Hill是
"直至今日,我跟Hill都還是一同作SA與印城的社區服務. 我不想(交易)但Bud一直逼我."
"Bud之搥一直敲在我跟R.C. Buford身上,因為我們真的需要一個身材夠的SF."
"我一直以為Hill會持續在Parker背後當小弟. Manu占了SG位置,Hill不會分到他應有的
"基於讓Manu/Green不必分擔3號位,需要正統SF的考量,我們覺得Bud說得有理. 我記得
直到選秀夜,我跟Peter Holt坐在那兒,而Bud一直叫R.C.擇機出手."
"終於有好機會了. 大家都盯著我看,我想著喔天啊~不要逼我. Bud讓我拍板定案,而造
就了雙贏的交易. 這是他貢獻的一項具體實例."
Budenholzer won't get another ring should the Spurs close out the Heat ...
but maybe he should.
作者: royan0609 (栗子先生)   2014-06-14 17:12:00
波波含淚換來的Sugar K 請連Hill的份一起努力啊~
作者: jcjcjcjcjc (a840506a)   2014-06-14 17:14:00
大家真的都很愛Hill 我也是 看他在溜馬享受到的團隊竟然如此...也會心疼他 希望他在好隊能夠發光發熱!
作者: chardavi11 (cockroachwang)   2014-06-14 17:23:00
作者: pttdue   2014-06-14 17:24:00
作者: jiuan1027 (jiuan)   2014-06-14 17:26:00
某方面來講 RJ也是這筆交易的幕後推手
作者: jack7614614 (林阿軒)   2014-06-14 18:01:00
作者: kimisky (kimi~)   2014-06-14 18:03:00
作者: deshiKuo   2014-06-14 18:05:00
作者: spurs2120 (Fundamental)   2014-06-14 18:15:00
作者: keroromoa (發言要小心 避免踩到陳雷)   2014-06-14 18:18:00
作者: chardavi11 (cockroachwang)   2014-06-14 18:19:00
作者: joumay (怪怪的小其)   2014-06-14 18:30:00
現在勉強算也有五個啊 TP+Patty+Joseph+Manu+Diaw~~~
作者: shiyuu (心愛的牛肉麵)   2014-06-14 18:54:00
作者: Alone97   2014-06-14 18:55:00
樓上少算TD的話,他會恨你 XD
作者: waterfall (Valar Morghulis)   2014-06-14 19:53:00
作者: kiwisoda (溜溜甜八寶)   2014-06-14 20:07:00
作者: chardavi11 (cockroachwang)   2014-06-14 20:23:00
他在溜馬完全沒有發揮空間 看他要不要下張約鳳還巢XD那時候PG SG應該很多洞要補
作者: michael12348 ( )   2014-06-14 20:30:00
作者: avrilrock (snsd/spurs/avril/xjapan)   2014-06-14 20:30:00
真是有遠見...如果溜馬把Lance交易出去 Hill比較有發揮
作者: koflll (給我更多的假期)   2014-06-14 20:40:00
結果論來說 這筆交易根本大賺 Bud很有遠見 做了很成功選擇~
作者: ponkd (衛文清)   2014-06-14 22:01:00
作者: Lans1002 (藍斯)   2014-06-15 00:58:00
其實是黑暗兵法,溜馬分裂後馬刺簽回hill XD
作者: merquise (大金至鋒)   2014-06-15 01:45:00
一個小更正: Pop 是說到現在他都還會跟 Hill 一起做社區服務
作者: Window8   2014-06-15 06:54:00

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