Re: [情報] Yeah, he's a San Antonio Spurs but

作者: TK421 (TK421)   2014-12-11 23:00:23
※ 引述《clivezzz (馬刺拿冠軍!)》之銘言:
: Yeah, he’s a San Antonio Spurs but 來源: (翻譯有誤請指正)
: By Kevin Sherrington 達拉斯晨報記者
: Gregg Popovich might seem about as Texan as an episode of The Americans.
: Gregg Popovich看起來很像The Americans(美國2013年春季影集)裡的德州人
: Like the Soviet-era spies of the series, he speaks fluent Russian. Midwestern
: boy, son of Serbian and Croatian parents, trained in intelligence in the Air
: Force. Once considered a career in the CIA. Owns interest in a winery. Come
: to think of it, he might make a better villain in an Ian Fleming novel than
: coach of the San Antonio Spurs.
: 他像是舊蘇聯時期的人,他是個中西部出生的男孩,父母來自塞爾維亞及克羅地亞,能講
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
這邊的意思是跟上面提 克羅埃西亞
到的影集裡面出現的俄 是台灣比較
國間諜(spy)一樣 常用的譯名
: 一口流利的俄語,在空軍受過訓練,曾經考慮當一個CIA,最大的興趣在酒莊裡,綜合以
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
這邊意思是在空軍的情報部門 意思是他擁有一間酒莊的
(intelligence)受過訓練, 所 股份
: 上的描述,比起當馬刺的教練他似乎比較適合在Ian Fleming(007系列的作者)的小說裡當
: 個惡棍。
^^^^Villian 有強調反派英雄的意思
: He deserves to be a candidate for Dallas Morning News Texan of the Year, just
: the same.
: 但他仍然值得成為"達拉斯"晨報(Dallas Morning News)的年度德州風雲人物候選人
: As Texas coaching icons go, Popovich — or Pop, as he’s commonly known —
: doesn’t resonate like Darrell Royal. He sure doesn’t sound like Bum
: Phillips, nor does he loom majestically above his sport, as Tom Landry does
: even now.
: 作為一個德州教練的指標人物,Pop就像他廣為人知的那樣,不像Darrell Royal那樣令人
: 產生共鳴(德州出身美足傳奇教練,他在德州各大學執教時拿下167–47–5的戰績),他當
: 然聽起來也不像Bum Phillips(另一位德州出生的美足教練,為現在NFL田納西泰坦隊的前
: 身休士頓油人隊勝場最多的教練),即使是現在,他在自己運動中的地位也不像Tom
: Landry(德州出生美足球員及教練,被評價為NFL史上最偉大最具創新性的教練)曾經達到
: 的那樣。(三位教練皆已過世)
: (這段有點難翻orz,大意是Pop的聲望還比不上上述的教練)
: But if you’re counting — in sports, that’s what we do — he has more
: championships than any of the above. Five rings now with the Spurs’
: dismissal of the Heat last spring in five games.
: 但如果你算一算那個在職業運動中我們重視的東西,POP有比上面任何一位還要多的戒指
: ,上個春天馬刺五場讓熱火回家後,現在已經有五枚戒指了。
: Only Phil Jackson and Red Auerbach own more titles in NBA history. If you
: want to say it was because of the Spurs’ system — manned by the likes of
: David Robinson, Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili — you should know
: Jackson doesn’t win 11 in Chicago and Los Angeles without Michael Jordan,
: Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant, and Auerbach doesn’t do nine without Bill
: Russell and company.
: 在NBA歷史中只有Phil Jackson 和 Red Auerbach有更多的戒指,如果你要將其歸功於由
: David Robinson, Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili組成的馬刺系統,你應
: 該要知道Jackson在 Chicago 和 Los Angeles時無法在沒有Michael Jordan, Shaquille
: O’Neal and Kobe Bryant的情況下贏下11個冠軍而Auerbach 也無法在沒有Bill Russell
: 以及他的軍隊的情況下贏下9個冠軍.
: The difference between Pop and the coaches in front of him is that in an era
: when superstars treat teams like fads, tilting the balance of power as they
: move from one to the next, the Spurs remain gloriously stuck in their past.
: Their five titles in 16 seasons make them as close to a dynasty as any
: franchise in the United States’ four major pro sports.
: POP和排在他前面的教練們不同之處在於,他處在這樣一個超級巨星報團組隊蔚為潮流,
: 造成實力不平衡的時代。馬刺依舊維持他們光榮的傳統,他們在16個賽季奪得五次冠軍
: 的成就讓他們比北美四大職業運動中任何一支球隊更像是個王朝。
: The Spurs’ system succeeds because it’s based on team, not individuals.
: Sure, Duncan, Parker and Ginobili hold court, but on any given night, any
: Spurs can have his say. No other NBA team is as democratic.
: 馬刺體系的成功是基於團隊,而非個人。當然,GDP把場上顧得好好的,但任何一個馬刺
: 的成員無論何時都可以擁有自己的發言權,在NBA球隊中沒有另一支球隊有這樣的民主。
: Pop and the Spurs’ general manager, R.C. Buford, didn’t come up with this
: system overnight. It’s been more than 18 years in the making, which pretty
: much covers the evolution of the coach, as well.
: POP跟Buford(最佳總管!)並沒有在一夜之間創出這種體系,他們花了超過18年才打造出來
: ,很大一部分來說這促進了教練這個職位的進化。
: When Pop took over in the midst of the 1995-96 season, no one could have
: envisioned what was in store. Pop’s own credentials hardly inspired the
: locals. His only head coaching experience was at little Pomona-Pitzer, a
: half-hour outside Los Angeles if the traffic’s light. He lived in the dorms
: and officed out of a converted storage closet. Coached there an interminable
: nine years and thought he’d never leave.
: 當POP在95-96球季中跳出來接手時,沒人想到他葫蘆裡在賣什麼藥。他本身的經歷很難使
envisioned what was in store比較接近
: 球迷振奮,他唯一的執教經歷是在距離Los Angeles一個半小時車程的Pomona-Pitzer,
: 且在宿舍及一個儲藏室改裝的辦公室無休止的往返執教了九年,甚至覺得自己絕不會離開
: Then Pop met a fellow named Larry Brown, the Johnny Appleseed of basketball.
: Brown hired him at Kansas, then took him to San Antonio. When Larry moved on,
: so did Pop, to Golden State, where he worked under Don Nelson.
: 然後POP遇到了Larry Brown,Larry聘請了POP為他工作,一路從Kansas到San Antonio,
: 當Larry離開San Antonio後,POP也跟著離開San Antonio去了Golden State,
: 在Don Nelson手下繼續工作。
: He returned to San Antonio and became general manager, which was his title
: when he fired coach Bob Hill and took the job for himself.
: 後來他回到San Antonio並成為了GM,直到他炒掉Bob Hill並自己跳下去當教練。
: Pop had a rough go of it for a while. Fans hated him for canning Hill.
: Players questioned his primitive style: dump the ball in to David Robinson or
: Tim Duncan and get out of the way. As the rules changed, limiting
: hand-checking, so did Pop’s style. Players such as Parker and Ginobili
: prospered under his hand.
: Pop當時有段艱難的時光,球迷因為他開除Hill而討厭他,球員對他的"球給Robinson OR
: Duncan,然後滾開"執教風格抱持疑問。當限制手部推擠的規則改變後,球賽更符合POP的
: 風格了(球給Duncan),像Parker跟Ginobili這樣的球員則在他手下開始發光發熱。
這邊的意思是隨著hand-checking越抓越嚴, pop也跟著改變他的風格
: Meanwhile, fans figured anyone could win with Robinson and Duncan. Even a
: second title didn’t win them over. You’d have figured a city like San
: Antonio — unpretentious, low-key, a blue-collar town — would identify with
: Pop’s gruff exterior and military background. This is not that kind of love
: story.
: 與此同時,球迷們覺得誰都可以在有Robinson跟Dincan的情況下贏球,即使贏得第二個
: 冠軍,Pop依舊沒有贏得球迷的喜愛。你可以想像一個像SA這樣謙遜、低調、藍領元素的
這邊的意思是"你可能會認為像SA這樣謙遜, 低調
: 城市,會認同像POP這樣擁有粗曠外表和軍事背景的人嗎?這不是你想的那種愛情故事。
藍領為主的城市會一開始就很認同pop的粗曠外表與軍事背景 你想的太美了"
: What turned around the fans was the fact that the Spurs kept winning, and as
: they did, Pop didn’t use his success as a springboard to something better.
: Why? Even after all this time, it’s not as if he’s rooted in San Antonio.
: He gets out of town during the off-season. Loves international travel.
: Well-read. Holds his own in any conversation.
: 真正扭轉球迷看法的原因是馬刺持續贏球,就像他們做的那樣,而POP也沒有利用他的成
: 功作為跳板去尋求更好的職位。為什麼呢? 儘管到了現在,他好像還是沒有在SA落地生根的
: 感覺,他在休賽期間會離開,他喜歡國際旅行、他閱讀,並在任何的談話中盡情作自己。
: (it's not as if he's rooted in San Antonio這邊翻得有點拗口,求高人指點)
: Example: While in Philadelphia recently for a game, he strolled down to city
: hall just to check out protests over the Ferguson, Mo., case.
: 舉例來說:在最近到費城的比賽時,他跑去市政府去看關於Ferguson的抗議(美國密蘇里州
: 黑人青少年被白人警官開槍射死引發的抗議事件)。
: Despite his worldliness and credentials as the best coach in the NBA, his
: name never comes up in high-profile job searches. This in a league where it’
: s not unusual to hear Jackson’s name still surface, or even Pat Riley’s.
: 儘管目前他不論在一般人心中或資歷上都被認為是NBA最好的教練,但你從不會聽到他在
: 追求其他隊教練或是GM的職務,而其他不常聽到的名字像Jackson卻還是會浮上檯面,甚
^^^^^^^^not unusual to hear的意思是時常聽到
: 至是Pat Riley。
: Basically, it’s Pop’s choice to stay in Texas. What he’s built with Buford
: would be hard to replicate elsewhere, especially now at 66.
: 基本上,是Pop決定留在德州的,畢竟他跟Buford一起打造的馬刺也很難再其他地方複製
: ,特別是他已經66歲了。
: His standard getaway line with reporters is that he’ll retire when Duncan
: does. His first glass of wine at dinner, the toast is always, “Here’s to
: Timmy.” The truth is that he might try to go longer, as hard as it is to
: imagine.
: 他總是說當Duncan退休的時候就是他離開的時候。他每晚晚餐的第一杯酒敬酒時總是說
Standard getaway line意思是又有記者拿什麼時候退休來煩他的時候
: "這杯是給Timmy的"。事實上呢,他將試著待在馬刺更久的時間,雖然這很難想像。
: Whatever his future, he’s made Texas home of the NBA’s best organization
: going on two decades. In Texas, where football is king, a basketball coach
: has forged his way into the conversation of the state’s most legendary
: coaches. That alone should probably make him Texan of the Year.
: 無論他的未來如何,他讓德州成為NBA在這二十年間最好團隊的所在地。在這個美足稱
: 王的地方,一個籃球教練用他自己的方式加入了本洲最傳奇教練的討論中。這件事應該
: 就足以讓他成為德州年度風雲人物了。
: 這篇文章是達拉斯晨報的記者寫的,所以標題才會用"是的,他是個馬刺人 但..."
: 這種標題。
: 最近開始想翻譯外電,一方面可以看到國外的一手情報令一方面也可以練英文,其實我
: 英文蠻爛的,希望大家可以多多包容也不吝指教~
作者: ParkerWind (帥氣帕克風!!!)   2014-12-11 23:47:00
作者: kimisky (kimi~)   2014-12-12 02:18:00
好厲害T_T 推!!
作者: Knightly (騎士)   2014-12-12 09:19:00
作者: clivezzz (碩一菸酒生)   2014-12-12 09:41:00
太強了 感謝指正!
作者: octopus1 (只想愛妳)   2014-12-12 13:17:00
作者: webber7500 (webber)   2014-12-12 22:01:00
反英雄是antihero喔 Villian 是反派的意思沒錯

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