※ 引述《ponkd (衛文清)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1PPNtOnJ ]
: 作者: thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶) 看板: NBA
: 標題: [情報] Dewayne Dedmon to Hawks 2yr/14M
: 時間: Wed Jul 12 09:39:33 2017
: 消息來源:
: https://twitter.com/sam_amick/status/884948046773075969
: DeWayne Dedmon two years, $14 million to Atlanta, I'm told. Player option 2nd
: season.
: Dedmon 即將加盟老鷹隊,合約為兩年1400萬,附帶球員選項
: 今年球季在馬刺隊出賽76場 (其中37場先發)
: 平均上場17.5分鐘,繳出 5.1分 6.5籃板 0.8阻攻
: 而在球季結束之後拒絕300萬的球員選項,選擇投入到自由球員市場
: 短評或心得:這價碼應該還算滿便宜的
In addition to reaching deals with Jerebko and Udoh, the Jazz also agreed to
sign Thabo Sefolosha this week, so it looks like the team will probably dip
under the cap to finalize their new signings. It also appears likely that
Boris Diaw will be waived before his salary guarantee date this weekend,
though Utah continues to explore trade