Analyzing the effects of the last Swarm Host patch is one of our top
priorities for Heart of the Swarm right now, so we wanted to share some more
thoughts in this area to get more input from you.
Currently we’re not seeing much new Swarm Host usage. We see two potential
reasons for this: The Swarm Host isn’t effective enough in its current state
or players haven’t figured out the best use cases with them yet. The answer
is probably a mix of both factors, and we’re hoping to see more Zerg games
in all matchups in order to drill down on the correct course of action here.
Our main focus point in the immediate future will be on the state of ZvP and
ZvT after these changes. The main thing we’d like to watch out for first is
that the two matchups are working well and are balanced. In order to get
there, we have two options that we’d like to discuss with everyone.
Option 1
Take our normal approach of waiting until we can locate what the specific
issues are and then act accordingly. The up side of this is that we can make
the correct decisions and give players enough time to really drill down to
the details of what the last patch has changed about the game. The down side
is that it’ll take time.
Option 2
Act a bit quicker as an exception this time, because we made such drastic
changes at a point when the balance was looking very solid. From the initial
feedback and games that we’ve seen, Zerg seem slightly weaker than before.
While we don’t have enough examples or the time to make this conclusion, we
wonder if acting a bit sooner in this specific case might be better for the
game. To be clear, this doesn’t mean we’ll just go in and patch right away.
We’ll still go through the standard procedures of discussing potential
changes, testing the changes on balance test maps, and iterating on them
until we find good changes. The main difference is that we would be going
into the first balance test map much sooner than we normally would have after
a balance patch.
If we go with option 1, we’ll first need to figure out how the changes
affected the matchups, so we don’t have any proposed potential changes yet.
If we go with option 2, our main goal would be to work on a change that would
help Zerg slightly vs. Protoss and vs. Mech play. Going more into the
Roach burrow move speed increase
We know Roaches serve a critical role in both vs. Protoss and Mech, so this
might be a good area to buff. We’ve also tested a faster burrow-move speed
version of the Roach in the past, and saw some good results. In terms of
testing time, and being able to gauge the effectiveness of this change, it
should be much quicker since it’ll be the second time testing this out. This
could be a very simple change that will help Zerg out in the two main areas
that we’re potentially looking to improve.
Swarm Host changes
We believe that the cost investment both in terms of gas and supply are quite
high. And it’s like that for a reason: we don’t want mass Swarm Hosts to be
viable. But we wonder if we can make some tweaks to make the harassment case
less of a commitment while also making sure the mass Swarm Host case isn’t
viable. While we don’t have specifics here, we’re initially thinking:
- Buff the Swarm Host effectiveness
- Reduce the supply cost/take another look at the cost of the unit itself
- Increase the cooldown of the Spawn Locust ability even more
These changes will support the small group harassment role of the unit much
better, while nerfing the mass Swarm Host case even more.
To reiterate, we’re not saying that there’s a clear problem that we see
right now. We don’t know with 100% certainty on the state of things since
the last patch, but we’re mainly just wondering if there’s value in
starting a balance test map sooner than later this time.
Thank you so much, and we’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts on
this topic.
都是英文,有點看不懂 希望有人可幫忙翻譯
teren (blank)
2015-04-18 13:28:001.Z最近有點弱 2.問大家想快點改還是慢點改3.考慮讓蟑螂埋地移動更快
kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)
2015-04-18 13:29:003.你覺得要buff蟑螂還是buff百生
teren (blank)
2015-04-18 13:30:00怕大家海百生 考慮1.單純加強能力 2.降低人口/資源3.讓百生CD更長(WTF我看錯了嗎?)
THKLuga (流河濤)
2015-04-18 13:33:00大衛金正常發揮中(筆記
kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)
2015-04-18 13:36:00teren你要把三個合在一起看他是三個一起做 不是只選一個
節奏這麼快的比賽 會有人想要用使用過後一分鐘都閒置的單位?又不是說有普攻 噴完卵真的是閒置 現在連遁地躲都不行
APM99 (血統純正台北人)
2015-04-18 13:44:00不懂幹嘛還更動蟲心 乖乖做神族毀滅很難嗎
作者: woopoo (poowoo) 2015-04-18 13:49:00
作者: presariocq (Radiation) 2015-04-18 14:00:00
本來好好的 硬要改! 糗了吧XDD
freshmints (åªæ±‚早點休æ¯)
2015-04-18 14:07:00我覺得百生降價加跑速還比較合理,變成一兩隻就能鬧別人礦那種
作者: jeffsu 2015-04-18 14:10:00
是在講蟲心啊 前面很多廢話 可以直接看結論想讓百生變成單純騷擾 瓦斯必須降 不然誰想出啊.....
dnek (哪啊哪啊的合氣道)
2015-04-18 14:41:00不如把百生改的像感染丟蛋一樣,改用能量計,並且鎖定投擲目標這樣就算正面出一堆百生,消耗完能量就沒了,不會有無限小蟲小規模而言,只要有足夠能量,也不會有現在空窗期的問題
st12231 (Russel)
2015-04-18 15:05:00其實有講根沒講一樣..
作者: kyley (None could touch sky) 2015-04-18 15:47:00
沒什麼用啊 家裏守一下然後還是一波橫掃
百生有趣就是小蟲一堆過去 要改乾脆出新單位不是更好
dnek (哪啊哪啊的合氣道)
2015-04-18 16:01:00不,我的意思只是設定小蟲前往目標的意思,一樣是a過去
APM99 (血統純正台北人)
2015-04-18 18:13:00韓職是少數吧法蟲去打GSL一樣一下就被打爆了