aas0221 (soysauce)
2020-12-15 22:54:18明年DreamHack有四站
Summer Fall Winter 跟Last Chance
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Summer 2021 - $170,000
Qualifiers: May 11 - 16
Regionals: May 19 - Jun 6
Finals: Jul 1 - 4
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Fall 2021- $170,000
Qualifiers: Jul 20 - 25
Regionals: Jul 28 - Aug 15
Finals: Sep 9 - 12
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Winter 2021- $170,000
Qualifiers: Sep 21 - 26
Regionals: Sep 29 - Oct 17
Finals: Nov 11-14
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Last Chance 2022- $40,000
Qualifiers: Dec 14 - 19
Finals: Jan 11-16, 2022
EPT Championship: IEM Katowice 2022- $500,000
Feb/March, 2022
不同的是今年的Last Chance第一名沒有保送IEM24強
但明年Last Chance第一名跟其他DH一樣有保送IEM24
如果明年疫情好轉了 選手可以到線下比賽了 DH將開放其他選手(韓國選手也包含在裡面
If COVID-19 remains a barrier, we will be required to revert these competition
s back to global online tournaments the same we saw in 2020. If we feel more p
ositive through 2021, our hope is that we will be able to take one of these ba
ck to a DreamHack festival. In that case, the tournament formatting would adju
st to our familiar format from festivals of recent years with an 80 player tou
rnament. The 16 players who would have previously qualified for the online/stu
dio finals would now be deep seeded into Group Stage 3, skipping the first few
rounds of the competition.
Similar to 2020, there will be reserved slots for South Korean players to comp
ete in each of the respective tournaments. Another change we are happy to anno
unce is that upon the return of DreamHack festivals South Korean players will
be able to sign-up, travel & compete within the open bracket of these offline