k70709 (嘎肉)
2014-11-01 02:16:13https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/halloween
Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition $ 4.99
Dead Island: Riptide - Complete Edition $ 4.99
The Binding of Isaac $ 1.19
Painkiller: Black Edition $ 0.99
Painkiller Complete Pack $ 6.99
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation $ 1.99
Painkiller Resurrection $ 0.99
Painkiller: Recurring Evil $ 0.99
State of Decay $ 6.66
The Long Dark (Early Access) $14.99
Amnesia: The Dark Descent $ 4.99
Darkwood (Early Access) $11.24
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin $ 3.74
F.E.A.R. 3 $ 4.99
Wayward Manor $ 4.99
Alan Wake Franchise $ 9.99
Darksiders $ 2.99
Darksiders Franchise Pack $ 8.99
Contagion $ 6.66
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon $ 2.49
Darksiders II $ 4.49
Killing Floor $ 4.99
System Shock 2 $ 1.99
Sir, You Are Being Hunted $ 3.99
LIMBO $ 4.99
The Fall $ 4.99
作者: vincent0911x (身在曹營,心在漢。) 2014-11-01 02:52:00
我追蹤的遊戲沒一款特價 看來可以直接等聖誕節 = =