與海盜掛勾?11 bit studios 在 PirateBay 感謝下載種子檔玩家!
知名遊戲開發商 11 bit studios 在 2011 年時製作了《Anomaly》而開始聲名大噪,而
最近推出的《This War of Mine》除了在上市前便已成為一熱門話題之外,上市後更是獲
得了壓倒性的好評。但是更讓人意外的是,PirateBay 上出現了《This War of Mine》的
種子檔之後,沒多久《This War of Mine》的開發者竟在種子檔的回覆中感謝各位玩家檔
,甚至還大方放送 10 組 Steam 兌換碼免費送給玩家。
《This War of Mine》是一款戰爭遊戲,但主角們並不是在戰場上作戰的士兵,而是
看到後才想到這遊戲有drm free版本,所以海盜灣上已經有連破解都不用的版本
Karol_11bit 于 2014-11-17 11:50 CET:
Hey guys!
It's Karol from 11 bit studios, the developers of This War of Mine.
We are really happy to hear that you like our game. They prove, that spending
2 years on it was worth it.
I would like to say thank you to everyone, who decides to buy the game and
support us - because of that we'll be able to develop TWoM further and create
even better games in the future.
If because of some reasons you can't buy the game, it's ok. We know life, and
we know, that sometimes it's just not possible.
Here are some codes for the steam copy of the game, so some of you can take a
look at it. And if you like the game after spending few hours in, then just
spread the word, and you'll help us a lot.
Karol_11bit 于 2014-11-17 18:07 CET:
Thanks, we appreciate that!
Just in case - we are strong supporters of DRM-free policy, so the game is
also available in GOG.com, Humble Bundle Store and Games Republic. When you
buy the game there, you can play it without steam.
Karol_11bit 于 2014-11-18 12:28 CET:
Thanks for all the support guys, it really means a lot to the whole dev team,
not only me.
After all, we are all gamers and I'm happy to see, that this idea can unite
people, no matter whom they are.
Karol_11bit 于 2014-11-20 11:37 CET:
Of course not everyone may like the game. It's not typical, so that's
understandable. Nevertheless we have around 96% of positive reviews on steam,
so that means something :)
Once again, thanks to all the people who have decided to buy the game, or
just talked about it with their friends!