※ 引述《mike5554 (疾風)》之銘言:
: 網址:http://greenlightarcade.com/contest/wickland/
: 1. 加入STEAM 群組 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GreenlightArcade
: 2. 喜歡 FB https://www.facebook.com/GreenlightArcade
: 3. 跟隨 Twitter https://twitter.com/GlightArcade
: 都OK後點選下方綠色的sign through steam且登入你的STEAM帳號,
: 填入EMAIL、確定EMAIL和使用者名稱(這我亂填的)後會寄steam key到你信箱,
: 不確定何時結束,要搶要快。
Morning all, it's been a crazy night trying to fix our database issues.
Please go to http://greenlightarcade.com/contest/wickland/ and try again to
retrieve your key with the same Steam ID and email. Thanks for being patient
with us. Keys are limited and the giveaway will end when we run out of promo