剛剛發現美區METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE正在特價5.99 可是發現不能買 XD 查了一下 steamdb 發現 顯示 Cross region trading and gifting is disabled for this item 看起來買了會掛點.... 但我發現 Amazon 也特價 那是否能去Amazon買呢? http://ppt.cc/5Uxw Online Code: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States and who have a U.S. billing address. 這一段是指 要掛VPN啟動的意思嗎 感謝 我上次買惡魔城命運之境 買了直接啟動 被steam新政策 搞得有點頭大了 買個遊戲還要這麼麻煩