Overmind (Overmind)
2015-01-06 11:06:24講到這個我就有經驗,因為STEAM客服實在慢到有剩,又限制處理天數。
Once you understand the terms of this offer completely,
immediately purchase the correct version of this game.
If Steam blocks your purchase because you already own a copy of the game,
purchase the correct version as a gift and store it in your inventory
for later.
回他這句之後,他隔天就直接把$退到我的STEAM WALLET,也沒等我買正確版本。
※ 引述《sidakong (Kevin)》之銘言:
: 前幾天特價時買了幾個遊戲,其中的Borderlands 2
: 因為破英文+沒注意看,本來是想買Borderlands 2 goty
: 結果買到Borderlands 1 goty+Borderlands 2
: 進遊戲缺東少西的才發現買錯了
: 只好寫信給Steam問看看能不能幫忙處理
: 等到回信如下:
: Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
: We apologize for the delay.
: Please purchase the intended game as a gift. Select the option "Store the gift in my inventory to send later".
: Please indicate when you have done so, and upon confirming your purchase on the account, I will cancel and refund your order for the original accidental purchase.
: To redeem this gift after the refund:
: -Place your cursor over your persona name at the top of the Steam interface, then click the 'Inventory' link.
: -Select the Steam tab. This will open the games/gifts that are currently in your Steam inventory.
: -Select the game that you would like to redeem onto your account. There should now be an 'Add to my game library...' button under the game's description.
: -Click 'Add to my game library...' to add the game to your Steam account. Once added the game cannot be removed from your account.
: Please note that if you originally purchased an item at a sale price and the sale has now ended, we cannot extend the previously discounted price for these items.
: This offer will only be valid for the next 15 days.
: 破英文看了一下
: 好像是說只要我把遊戲轉成禮物就可以幫我退掉
: 可是下面又有一堆步驟看無
: 看起來又不像是教我怎麼把遊戲轉禮物
: 所以想問一下是不是把遊戲轉成禮物再回信就可以退掉?
: 另外很少用steam,要怎麼把遊戲轉禮物呢?