Merkle (你在想奇怪的東西齁)
2015-03-11 00:44:09Major known issues, can't fix:
這些bug已經知道很久了 沒法修啦
- CTD on first attempt to play after install. We think this is Steam
adjusting to the larger LW files. Solution: Try again.
裝完Long War Mod第一次執行會閃退 解決方法:再開一次
- XCOM sometimes corrupts savegames. We strongly encourage you to make
backups of your ironman saves (which are kept in your My Games folder).
有的時候你的存檔莫名其妙就壞掉了 打Ironman最好手動or另外備份你的存檔
- Changing game difficulty in the middle of a tactical mission will reset all
alien leaders and navigators to base hit points for that species and should
be considered more of a cheat than it normally is.
- Loading savegames in tactical missions can cause problems, including
cancelling hunker down status and resetting certain flags intended to prevent
you from doing things like using Run and Gun and Close Encounters on the same
turn. Some of these can be exploits and you should feel really, really bad
for using them. It is best to save and reload tactical missions when there is
no active firefight going on.
讀取執行任務中的存檔會有問題 包括取消蹲下或者解除一些技能的回合限制(你作弊~~)
- Sometimes critically wounded soldiers have a bad z and can't be revived.
Save and reload often fixes.
有些重傷的士兵會掉到異次元去 存檔離開再讀檔就好了
- Rapid double-clicking (such as with a dying mouse that automatically does
this inadvertently) can screw up your interactions with the engineering UI
and charge you tons of cash for a single transaction.
作東西的時候 滑鼠不要點太快 不然可能會發生扣很多次款 只有作一件的悲劇
- Periodically, the map script for the XCOM HQ assault mission will be
interrupted. Reload an earlier save or (with ironman) use the dev console to
restart the mission.
有時候外星人送快遞到你家的途中會讀不到地圖 請讀取先前的存檔
用dev console去重新啟動任務(這我也不會用 XD)
- Force-closing (with ALT-F12) during an XCOM HQ assault is beginning on
Ironman will ruin your savegame. Wait until you get to a proper save and exit
不要在鐵人模式下的外星人送快遞任務中強關Xcom 你的存檔會壞掉 請正常存檔離開
Other issues, can't fix
其他的問題 還是沒法修
- Close Combat Specialist is flaky. We didn't change it; it's unlikely we can
fix it.
進戰專家有時候會故障 但是我們並沒有去動它 應該沒辦法修理(Firaxis踹共)
- Female weapon models not aligning with pawn correctly
- Flying creatures will sometimes stack on the same tile during movement
- Certain map errors. These are probably hard to tell from other errors, but
if the problem is related to something in the map itself, we are unlikely to
be able to fix it.
某些地圖的bug 基本上是地圖本身的問題 我們一樣沒法修(Firaxis踹共)
This includes:
1) Doors failing to block visibility as you would expect (this includes a
hang that occurs when overwatch fire goes through a closed door);
2) Line of sight issues;
3) Bad pieces of terrain you can't climb on or have weird cover interactions
4) preactivated pods;
5) Rare alien teleports to get out of bad positioning;
6) ladders blocking flanks.
打不開的又看不穿的透明門/視線問題(明明看得到卻看不到 和 明明看不到卻看得到)
某些明明標示是Cover結果你士兵過去不算/關不掉的power node
被提前觸發的怪(看到你就揍你)/外星傳送怪(個人碰過兩次了 都是Muton)
UPDATE: IN a few cases we're making progress with bad cover on indestructive
See Map Cleanup thread for details on how to help us with this.
Known issues, investigating:
朕知道了 在查了
- Arrow buttons sometimes disappearing on soldier equip screen. We'd like
reports about specific conditions when this occurs.
- Psi attack chance sometimes showing 100% when actual chance is lower than
that. We'd like reports about specific conditions when this occurs so we can
trace the bug.
心靈攻擊技能顯示100%命中 結果放下去還是missed
- Covert operative soldier selection screen not refreshing until you visit
特務名單不會即時更新 請先去兵營走一遭
- Drones blowing themselves up at wrong times
- 2x field surgeon eliminating fatigue? CANT' REPRODUCE.
兩個戰場手術的醫護兵可以消除疲勞時間? 有人舉報可是我們弄不出來這個bug
- Hyperwave providing incomplete list (UI limitation) and possibly incorrect
- Soldiers who are MC'd and freed when MC-ing alien is killed have will set
to zero and show fallen comrades penalty.
被心控的隊員從心控解脫(心控的外星人被殺) 意志變成0而且多一個debuff
(那個debuff是隊友被宰的時候 其他人身上會出現的)
- Plasma Damage enhancer foundry project not working?
- Aerospace credit applying to wrong foundry projects?
Beta 15a
如果你升級了你的醫護包 請打完任務再升級到Beta15a版(檔案還沒出)
- You will receive a popup after missions displaying which items have been
destroyed and damaged.
有東西壞掉還是被毀了 任務打完會跟你講
- Perk trees will be revealed on soldier class selection in non-Training
Roulette Games. In TR games, it will be hidden by default, but you can change
that by setting BLUESHIRT_WILL_MOD to 1 in the file DefaultGameData.ini.
(NOTE FILENAME) Unlocked psi powers on psi tree will be revealed as well.
沒開隨機技能樹的第二波選項 會直接給你看整條技能樹 可以手動去改 ini檔設定
讓你開了隨機技能樹也可以看整條(oh yes!) 這也會讓你看整條心靈技能的技能樹
- Gave Canada a second starter bonus, "Cadre," which grants 4 corporals at
campaign start. (They need to survive the first mission as rookies, more
for technical reasons than anything). Old "Cadre" UK country sat bonus
remained "Sandhurst."
加拿大給一個新的起始加成 開場給你四隻Lv3的兵(一樣打完才能升級 技術問題)
英國的起始加成效果不變 改個名字(因為撞名了)
- Activated Deadeye perk, which grants +10 aim and +10 crit against airborne
targets. Will be available to Infantry, Scout, Shogun and Pathfinder.
開啟一個新技能 "死(魚)眼" 打浮空單位 +10命中/致命(終於不用看到飄浮者頭就大)
- CTD when 16+ items finish repair at once. CTD caused by trying to add too
many text notices at once, so the geoscape text scroller will not list every
item that is fixed if you repair 16+ items at once.
一次修太多裝會閃退 現在地球儀那邊不會顯示你每個正在修的裝(修太多的時候)
- Illuminator Gunsight will no longer show "requires research" and be
unequippable if you take ancient artifact
- Cinematic Mode ini value restored.
Self-fix: Add line ABDUCTION_REWARD_SCI=15 to DGC.ini after
ENABLE_SECOND_WAVE=1 line (around 1753).
跟你講如何手動改ini去修正 假如你等不及了
Soldiers previously created in a campaign will not get the better bonus,
but new soldiers and aircraft will.
要新招募的士兵才會正常吃到加成 已經有的士兵不會補給你
- English Male 3 VO pack now in installer. Sorry, Sean.
- Numerous map patches fixing bad cover. Removed bugged UFO door on farm map,
which should solve a CTD when overwatch fire goes through the door.
修好了很多地圖上面壞掉的Cover 農場地圖的bug外星幽浮門移除
- Fixed bad ini setting on one of the furies (landed abductor) maps, not sure
what effect would have been
某個地圖壞掉的的ini數值修正 不知道改了會有啥影響
- Fixed: Incorrect Squadsight perk text (crit hit penalty is -20%)
- Improved Combat Exoskeletons will now appear in research UI when requirements
are met. Workaround: Dev Console command GiveTech Placeholder_13 may give you
the tech
某個科技修好了 條件符合的時候你可以在實驗室看到它(原來是黑科技..)
- Lots of other text fixes
- Adjusted Gauss eng reqs and LMG series costs
高斯武器的工程師需求調整 長機槍系列價格調整
- Code change that will fix CTD with Training Roulette in Mac/Linux versions
- Fixed: Incorrect ini setting with Resourceful start not giving Alloys foundry
project. DGC.ini fix: line 1444, change iEng=19 to iEng=25. This will only
help new campaigns.
南非的起始國家加成 回收大師 少給了合金回收改善計畫 以下是手動修正法
- Flak Ammo will display correct inventory image now
- Annette and the Furies should receive psi perks appropriate to their levels
- Fixed assault-psi icon
- Removed Armor-Piercing Ammo unintended crit bonus against hardened targets
- Fixed goof in which I intended to decrease big ship speed on the hologlobe
(allowing more interceptions) but instead decreased combat speed
大型UFO降速改成降低戰鬥速度(? 不太懂)
- Adv Suppression Module will show up in correct build tab in Engineering now
- Removed ability to see facility construction UI detail when you can't
afford building it. We put this in to let you see time to build and rush
costs but it apparently enabled the ability to build themo generators
everywhere as well. XGBuildUI_OnChooseFacility
因為地熱發電機的bug 不讓你看你不能蓋的設施需求和建造時間了
(也就是現在的地熱發電機沒蒸氣也可以蓋 雖然是灰色的 點進去還是可以蓋)
- Enhanced Beam Optics and Alloy Jacketed Rounds should equip properly with
Laser Lance / Rail Gun now
- Fixed up Blaster Launcher range code
- Found second place required to change Dense Smoke & Combat Drugs AOE and
fixed so Dense is same as SG and CD is much wider.
加濃煙霧和戰鬥藥劑之前範圍沒改好 現在改好了
- Many bugfixes to repair and R&R chances that were damaging items far more
than intended and creating problems with covert operatives. Individual item
damage chances exposed to ini in iWill variable. We're also testing to see
if this fixes bug reports that items are simply vanishing after missions.
Repair和 Repid Reaction會讓裝備更容易壞 以及Exalt任務出問題的bug修好了
- Any item or facility that requires exactly one of an item to build will not
have that item requirement scaled up with DW
- You can no longer augment specialists per design
- Jungle Scouts will now give bonus small slot to Phalanx per design
叢林斥候可以正常作用在Phalanx Armor上了(這怎麼沒有手動修正方式 =_=)
- Cans will supply a minimum of 1 meld (for extreme DW games)
- Attempted fix: Attempting to trigger neural feedback will call the code
that ends suppression first. Attempt to correct reported CTD. No savegame to
test on, so unsure if it will work or not.
不管它 不重要
- Reworked terror mission offscreen kill code that wasn't doing what it should
- Fixed a bunch of display bugs related to Reaper Rounds
- Removed sound when repairs finished
- UFO Scanners should provide damage readout on researched UFOs now
- Worked on Mechtoid and overwatch AI
兔子哥和外星人Overwatch AI調整
- Enhanced Plasma Foundry project provides +1 all purpose plasma damage now.
- Old Path country bonus should correctly impact psi training time now
- Rapid Fire no longer works with Sawed-off shotgun (it was granting a free
shot despite SoS 1 ammo)
Balance changes
- Alien strategic AI will try harder to avoid countries with satellites for
harvest missions when they have high aggro
- Adjusted down a few meld costs (don't get excited, it's 10-20% on a few
某些Meld花費下調(不用太開心 只有一點點東西改少而已)
- Adjusted down a few fragment costs for weapon techs (ditto)
- Made Wingtip Sparrowhawks a bit cheaper
- Gauss Long Rifle now halves enemy hardened bonus against critical hits (so
a hardened target only gets 30% crit protection instead of 60%)
高斯狙擊槍現在具有減半對手硬化技能(-60%爆擊率 機甲 飛天 紅皮會有)的能力
(如果高熱彈頭沒有被拔 那拿高斯狙擊槍的Sniper真的變成專殺機甲)
- Damn Good Ground now only a mid-level leader perk for Heavy Floaters, DGG
on reg floaters will also come only on more advanced leaders. A few other
adjustments to alien perk trees.
現在只有中階重裝漂浮者隊長/高階漂浮者隊長 拿得到 好高地 的技能
- Swapped back TSGT and GSGT on Gunner tree
機槍兵技能階層調整(讓你早一階拿Double Tap/急速開火/Ready for Anything)
- Will to Survive consistently provides +3 will on perk trees
生存意志現在提供的意志加成 +3(原本 +2)
- Removed most of elerium cost from UFO scanners
- Reduced a cooldown variable concerning country requests for same item to
b14 levels
- Roughly doubled all meld income and meld costs, with a few adjustments here
and there. This provides more granularity for repairs and for meld gains
from dead aliens. Cans will grant 5 to 30. NOTE: THIS WILL UNBALANCE ONGOING
15 GAMES (unless you've spent all your meld). Fix is to download dev console
and use giveresource meld command to double your stockpile.
把所有的Meld收入加倍 花費也加倍 現在一個Meld罐裡面有5-30個Meld
從舊存檔升級過來的 #請手動把你的Meld存量加倍#(之前翻錯了 QQ)
- Total Loss SW option now has an DGD.ini-adjustable chance to lose soldier
gear on death. This same variable also governs soldier gear loss on death
AND mission failure that is present in regular game.
死人就噴裝的第二波選項 可以自己到 DGD.ini 裡面去改機率
- Inserted code in case of DW > 1 that delays appearance of some hardcoded
(difficult) terror mission rosters that were triggered based on how many
terror missions you had been on
改了一個地方 這樣在Dynamic War的模式下 恐怖任務出現的怪才不會強的太離譜