payon (斐楊)
2015-03-12 13:25:49這是翻譯 沒翻完 求神人
BETA 15 to BETA 15b Issues
‧ If you are well into a campaign and have researched advanced Medikits, all
of your soldiers will suddenly have the Deadeye Perk. If you want to remove
it, use the Dev Console and the command GivePerk -116 on that soldier in a
tactical mission.
‧ 如果你再之前的版本研發強化急救包的話,你的全體士兵會得到死魚眼的補償。
‧ Meld costs have doubled (as have meld incomes), so you'll be behind. If
you are well into a campaign, workaround is to download dev console and give
yourself 2x your current meld using giveresource 7 xxx, where xxx is the
amount of meld to give yourself.
‧ MELD的花費增加,得到的數量也變多,可以把你之前的賺的MELD改成兩倍補償你自己
BETA 15a to BETA 15b issues
‧ Because of a 15a bug, some new campaigns will lose their starting country
bonus. The workaround is to go into DGC.ini, lines 1420 to 1453, and increase
the iCash value on each line by 1, and change the iCash value on line 1419
(Cadre) to 6.
‧ 15a有BUG,有些人開局的國家加成跑不出來,只能自己修改或開新檔。
‧ Added cheat code functionality with dev console to permanently remove a
perk from a soldier in tactical missions (not sure if it works in barracks).
Use Giveperk -X where x is the perk number. So giveperk 3 grants Squadsight.
Giveperk -3 removes it. To remove Deadeye from a soldier, use Giveperk -116.
‧ 我們加了作弊碼,前提是你以前就要會改參數(….
‧ CTD on terror mission initialization when DW > 1
‧ 看不懂,求MERK。
‧ Fixed bug when covert extraction on military base map. Workaround, fine
StreamingMaps[1]=( MapName="patch_militaryammo", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=(
Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) ) from end of line 190 in DefaultMaps.ini, and
change the[1] to [2]
‧ 修了EXALT任務在某的地圖繪出現的BUG。
‧ Medikit II bonus may not be applying correctly in upgraded campaigns in
which you already had it
‧ 如果你研發了強化急救包,在新版本他可能還是沒有。
‧ Some more map patches
‧ 地圖修正。
‧ Council requests for meld will scale correctly with meld income now
‧ 議會要的MELD也變多了。
‧ Fixed bug in which upgraded saves were getting wrong country bonus. THIS
‧ 升版本的存檔可能會拿到錯誤的國家加成,15a開的新檔會搞得一團糟,正在修。
‧ Fixed bug in which DW < 1 dead alien loot drops were way too large and way
too small in DW > 1
‧ 我還是看不懂DW是啥。
‧ Outsiders now have Muscle Fiber Density
‧ 光行多了一招基因強化技(作者你…
‧ A few more Weapon Fragments on normal
‧ 普通難度會掉更多碎片
‧ Swapped Lance and Corporal perk choices on Scout tree
‧ 把斥侯的技能樹Lance、Corporal兩層互換。