※ 引述《ron830927 (鬍子滷肉飯)》之銘言:
: 剛剛有個老外邀請我玩CSGO
: 他給我一個IP
: 我發現我進不去
: 結果他給了我一個
: 網站
: 然後叫我下載
: 下載後
: 現在STEAM就打不開了
: 現在想到 會不會是詐騙集團阿...
: 因為我看到它是ASUS就沒想太多了..
過了幾天 連個罐頭式的回覆都沒有 想說算了 QQ 自己也就忘了...
可是在今天早上 收到了STEAM的客服
Hello ,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
We apologize for the delay.
As a one-time customer service gesture, we have reversed the trades that were
committed while your account was compromised. Any Community Market listings
that you had listed were also removed and returned to your inventory. We will
not restore stolen items again.
Please log into your game(s) to receive the missing items; it may take
several days for them to reappear within the game.
Your computer is likely infected with malware. To prevent further damage to
your account, we suggest immediately scanning your computer with a free
anti-malware program such as Malwarebytes or Microsoft Security Essentials.
每個人都有一次機會 所以被騙也沒關係 可以去試試看(誤